He didn't really read it-you couldn't read a bank statement.
Other documents are requested by the consular officer: such as a Bank Statement, company letter, etc.
A summary of all transactions, called a bank statement, is mailed to the depositor, usually each month.
A bank statement, usually monthly, summarizes the transaction movements, balance and charges on each bank account held by the company.
Bank statement a bank statement is a record, produced for you by the bank, of all the transactions on your bank account over a specific period of time.
From BDO’s entertaining resignation letter, it appears that China-Biotics was tripped up when it gave BDO a fake bank statement on which it had miscalculated interest income.
Seemingly hoping to appear unaffected, the central bank denied in a statement that the loss of GSP Plus would have an adverse impact on Sri Lanka's exports.
Paulson had a short position of 1.76 percent in Lloyds TSB Bank Plc on Sept. 23, when the stock traded for 261.75 pence, the firm said in a regulatory statement.
Again, as the point of the exercise is to teach money management, the bank must be able to show the kid a loan statement that makes it abundantly clear how much the loan costs.
A CDB spokeswoman said the bank had no comment on the injection beyond the central bank's statement.
A World Bank statement said there were growing signs of a severe public health crisis because of a shortage of drinking water and a growing failure of the sewage system.
Then the activities on a and b's monthly bank statement won't be consistent with their account balances.
"They have suffered a bank run" after the recent suspension of two other Banks, South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) said in a statement.
Decide if the data will be read in from another source (for example, a bank download statement).
At the end of the month, the bank returns the checks that they have written and have been cashed. The bank also sends a statement of all the checks used.
Such assurances calmed the foreign-exchange market, as did a statement from a future member of the Fed’s monetary committee that the bank still had some way to go before easing off on interest rates.
他的声明安抚了外汇市场,使外汇市场稳定下来。 而根据美联储的准成员的声明,松弛利率还需要一段时间。
To apply for a credit card, you need to have a copy of the bank statement which lists your income for the last 3 months.
This evidence is a signed statement from whoever is paying for it, and confirmation from a bank or lawyer.
For example, the need for an online bank to support the transfer of funds between accounts is likely far more important than an Elbonian-language version of a monthly bank statement.
Masaaki Shirakawa, governor of the Bank of Japan, released a similar statement to try to calm markets.
日本央行行长白川方明(Masaaki Shirakawa),发表类似声明以稳定市场。
Looking at the Bank of Allen problem statement from prior months, a few use cases spring out at me.
THE Federal Reserve's April policy statement was a dull one by central-bank standards, which is saying something.
THE Federal Reserve's April policy statement was a dull one by central-bank standards, which is saying something.