A Barbie doll looks like a teenager.
Maggie Hoffman: Could I get a real bottle please? I'm an alcoholic not a Barbie doll.
I did have a Barbie doll, but she often wore g.. I.. Joe fatigues and went to war with him.
Ross has a hard time accepting that his son plays with a Barbie doll; he tries to get him interested in more masculine toys.
Others were kinder to the blonde beauty. One asked: 'Isn't unhealthy obsession on looking like a Barbie doll a part of her identity though?
At the time, says Kingsley, "they caused quite a stir, but the problem was they looked like the hair on a Barbie doll: each visible plug had eight to 10 hair strands."
Not every man wants a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Barbie doll on his arm.
The dislocated head of a baby doll stares blindly through the gate; WALL-E and Barbie Pet Doctor boxes are strewn across the yard.
掉下的玩偶头无神地盯着大门外;WALL - E和芭比宠物医生的盒子散满了院子。
Inspired by Lilli, Mrs Handlerdesigned a respectable American doll called Barbie(her daughter's name) with breasts but without nipples and wearing clothes thatwere pretty but non-provocative.
Instead they climb up the doll's skinny plastic neck like on a trucker or pirate — but, like a true Barbie doll, at least they are pink.
THE Barbie doll is 43 this year, a great age for a toy.Most toys have cruelly short lives.
The other children in his middle-class suburb teased him by calling him Barbie because of his looks, which reminded them of a Ken doll.
因为他金发碧眼, 所以郊区中学同班的孩子们都嘲弄的叫他“芭比”。
What apparentlysustains demand for the doll is that Barbies come in all guises, as a dancer, apolice officer, an astronaut, a physician, a talking Barbie that says, “Want togo shopping?”
BARBIE has come a long way since Mattel, a big American toy firm, launched the plastic doll in 1959.
Barbie doll wearing a diamond necklace has sold at an auction in New York for a record amount.
When Barbie first arrived on the scene, created by Ruth Handler and marketed by Mattel, she was inspired by a doll which already existed in Germany.
Barbie is a fashionable doll manufactured by the US toy company Mattel and launched in March 1959.
But they also create Barbie in images that a lot of parents wouldn't choose to hold up as a role model for their young daughters, and a full-body tattooed doll falls into this camp.
Mattel to launch an annual average of 90 groups Barbie doll to make more human Barbie Mattel designed specifically for her friends family and a boyfriend named Kenny;
While I waited ever so patiently for the makeup artist to decide what kind of "do" to do, I noticed that everyone walking by was commenting that I looked like a real life Barbie doll.
Then we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a world that lionizes Size Two Hollywood starlets and Barbie-doll figures.
Then we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a world that lionizes Size Two Hollywood starlets and Barbie-doll figures.