Verily, unto such a spirit it is preying, and the work of a beast of prey.
She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.
To gratify his senses and attain material comforts a person will work like a beast of burden.
Whether it's the occasional newbie question or it's a beast of a problem which requires a bigger group of people to consider, help is what people are looking for.
Curiosity is a beast of a rover, weighing one ton, measuring ten feet long by seven feet tall (at the top of the mast), and powered by a plutonium-238 fueled electrical generator.
Instead of finding a "living fossil" identical to an ancient beast, they have found a real fossil identical to a modern one.
The researchers say this could be due to a northward range shift in the mammal, a scarcity of the beast, or an increasing human preference for other prey species.
This calls for wisdom, let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person.
There is an unspoken rule of motherhood that says, “Thou shalt not put your lady parts on a mechanized beast of burden after birthing another human being.
Even the law itself is a strange beast, which goes by the catchy name of The Bill Prohibiting Facial Dissimulation in a Public Place.
A few other examples of his designs include a porcupine, an alligator, a potted plant, some kind of four-legged beast comprised of keyboard keys, an airplane, and more.
A related beast of superstition is the bugbear.
That changed in the 1770s, when a dead specimen of this odd beast was exhibited in England as a public curiosity.
Whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear.
Few will soon forget the footage of a 30ft wave, churning like an angry beast up the shore - cars, boats and even entire houses, some of them aflame, tossed in its muddy intensity.
Traditionally, there have been contests for testing feats of strength, and when we think of a strong woman, the image of an overly ripped manly beast comes to mind.
So you commit to a number of years of effort — that's the nature of the beast.
A mighty beast rises out of the water, ready to pounce on some unsuspecting prey.
Resembling a nightmarish beast rearing its head from a crimson sea, this monstrous object is actually a pillar of gas and dust.
However and whenever war began, it has persisted and propagated itself with the terrifying tenacity of a beast attached to the neck of living prey, feeding on human effort and blood.
Later, in front of a giant statue of Bwana Beast, other costumed heroes walk past her, making comforting gestures.
Pedants may quibble that only the DNA of the new beast was actually manufactured in a laboratory; the researchers had to use the shell of an existing bug to get that DNA to do its stuff.
Seeing shifts in design standards proliferate around the web is a bit like watching a herd of wilder-beast crossing alligator-infested waters.
They are snatching their freedom from the grip of a beast, a man who in his last speech vowed to turn "Libya into cinders."
They are snatching their freedom from the grip of a beast, a man who in his last speech vowed to turn "Libya into cinders."