But there still exist many public places that the guide dog can not go into, which cause a big trouble for the blind.
I've been born such a big trouble as my site often down. So I want to consult you with changing the dedicated server.
They said it was very dangerous if I failed to make an appointment with France visa center, which would be a big trouble.
Be sure to repair the roof when the sun is shining, do not wait until the rain has been great to repair the roof, it is a big trouble.
Master Yu Yu master told us that the body jitter seemingly trivial, if you do not pay attention to detection, will lead to a big trouble.
The thinking begins again confused, again feel powerless. Have some trouble in these day, can't solve in fact, but it get together is changes a big trouble.
The situation is that the global economy is in a big trouble and that every country is trying hard to save itself and that no country has the ability to help Greece.
She took a break from movies to participate in Celebrity Big Brother, but India wants her to stay out of trouble and go back to making good movies.
Three years ago, a little painting caused big trouble for undercover agent Bob Wittman.
Although this is all too much trouble for most motorists, the hypermilers do have a point: driving technique plays a big part in how much fuel a car consumes.
The trouble is that the subject is far too big to fit comfortably into a book a little more than 300 pages long.
Then we start paying a dividend and then if we ever have to cut it, we're in big trouble.
The problem is that if that's the ONLY place that person has ever worked, you might be in for big trouble. Here's why you shouldn't hire a big company marketer for your startup.
Another time, he abandoned his big lead in a yacht race in order to rescue a competitor who got in trouble and needed help.
Investors might see all this trouble as a sign that something big will happen sooner rather than later — new leadership, or maybe a takeover.
A big part of the trouble is that the gains from the overuse of antibiotics are private, whereas the losses are public.
And in fact, when it's the only person just about everybody helps regardless of the color of the person in trouble but when you're with other people there's a big difference.
Part of the trouble, Mr Settersten and Ms Ray point out, is that in the absence of reliable public schools, parents must play a big role in the academic careers of their children.
The reason for saving a big financial institution that gets into trouble is the economic havoc its failure can cause.
The trouble with Liverpool under benitez is that they produce results in big matches only when goaded to a frenzy by the consequences of their own earlier inadequacies.
If a company is in trouble, a big sale may be seen as an important part of a turnaround.
But a big chunk of the industry's trouble in the past decade came from the housing and credit boom.
It's even easier than ever to Sue somebody for copyright infringement in Sweden and I think a lot of companies are in big trouble.
It is not surprising that trouble in the Banks results in big drops in GDP: the IMF finds that output per head falls steadily for three years after a typical banking crisis.
One important issue to note: When I tried the big-RDF-database approach to such a synonym-driven search four years ago, I had a lot of trouble with performance.
有一点要注意,四年前我尝试用大型 RDF 数据库进行这种同义词驱动的搜索时遇到了很多性能问题。
I always worry about people who have such important businesses because some big deal may become in crisis or something; people like that have trouble sometimes adhering to a schedule.
I always worry about people who have such important businesses because some big deal may become in crisis or something; people like that have trouble sometimes adhering to a schedule.