This invention relates to a biological agent testing blue tongue of animals and its preparation method.
In the event of the intentional release of a biological agent these activities would be vital to effective international containment efforts.
The invention relates to a biological agent against crucifer club root and application thereof, belonging to the technical field of bio-pesticide.
This product is a biological agent, with anti-efficient permeability, Chi Xiaoqi long features, and low toxicity, environmentally friendly, safe on the lawn.
He humored Koong in such plots as sabotaging the Roon Colonial games, and poisoning a rebellious province with a biological agent, but his patience began to strain.
A biological agent such as an infectious microorganism or a condition that constitutes a threat to human beings especially in biological research or experimentation.
A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.
Typical lab tests can take hours (if not days) to analyze, process, and confirm a specific biological agent, and that's only if the lab knows exactly what antigen it's looking for.
Biological preparations composed either of a harmless variety of a disease-causing agent such as a virus or bacteria, or of proteins derived from such an agent.
Whether or not they reflect the consequences of a poisoning can best be ascertained by demonstrating the presence of a toxic agent in a biological sample.
As part of the formula, they measured a biological marker, total NNAL, which indicates the amount of exposure to the tobacco-specific lung cancer-causing agent NNK.
A biological, chemical or physical agent in or on food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect.
The sensing layer reacts with a chemical or biological agent by absorption, adsorption, desorption or chemical reaction.
传感层通过吸 收、吸附、解吸或化学反应与化学剂或生物制剂起反应。
Disclosed is a method for preparing soil microbe microbial agent timber fungus preparation with medical and fertilizer USES, belongs to agricultural biological technical field.
The bio-technology components are matched with organic and inorganic nutrients to synthesize a dual-effect novel biological agent with fertilizers and natural bio-fungicides.
The invention relates to a method for preparing an immunity regulatory agent for cattle, poultry and aquatic livestock, which belongs to the biological agent field.
本发明涉及一种用于家畜、家禽及水产动物的免疫制剂的制备方法,属 于生物制剂领域。
The biological corpuscle protein wood adhesive consists of the biological corpuscle protein powder and a reinforcing agent.
In fact they can produce enough dry biological agent in a single month to kill thousands upon thousands of people.
The invention relates to the biological treatment for oil extraction wastewater, which in detail relates to a bacterial agent for treating thick oil wastewater and the method for preparing the same.
本发明涉及采油污水的生物治理技术,具体地说是一种处理稠油污水 的微生物菌剂及制备方法。
Biological weapons, by definition, are any infectious agent, such as a bacterium or virus, used deliberately to inflict harm on soldiers and civilians alike.
S. , when it is used as bio_terrorism agent, it can cause medical and psychological impacts, and also is a big challenge for biological reconnaissance and detection.
The test result showed that enzymatic treatment agent is a non-polluting and effective method for control of biological slime in industrial circulating water system.
By experiments, a better emulsifying agent is chosen. With orthogonal test. sense assess and a destruction experiment of biological, an optimal processing is determined.
The objectives of this study are to isolate and purify the antibiotic produced by the biological agent, and use the crude antibiotic to make a biological formulation.
A preparation method of a halophilic decontamination bacterial agent and the bacterial agent prepared by the same belong to the technical field of biological treatment of salinity wastewater.
A preparation method of a halophilic decontamination bacterial agent and the bacterial agent prepared by the same belong to the technical field of biological treatment of salinity wastewater.