After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in?
After meeting in Swift's dressing room for 2010 rom-com Valentine's Day, in which she had a bit part, the pair never quite made it past a few months together.
"I'm not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster the Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009.
He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it.
It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult.
That last part - "according to his ability or achievement" -is the tempering phrase, a shrewd bit of expectations management.
Rather, the first thing that isn't part of the body of a message must match the beginnings of the next possible object; a bit of reading back and forth reveals that it must be part of a header.
Skeptics suspected this was just a bit of election-year candy — and that may have been part of the plan.
Thereafter did this pilgrim heart make its acquaintance with that world, bit by bit, part by part, in many a mood and manner.
Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money, but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs.
Animations and transitions in most of the current apps are a bit laggy/stuttery, even if for the most part, the apps are responsive and well designed.
One reason is that it was a bit-part player in the system of global imbalances that precipitated the slump.
As she worked, something puzzled her. The bookshelves, usually the most orderly part of any place her father lived, were in quite a bit of disarray.
Now, this is still a little bit cumbersome, in part because of the variables involved, s including s.
I think we are all capable of going after our dreams, but that does require a little bit of thinking outside the box on our own part - nobody is going to hand us a cookie-cutter dream job.
Somewhere along the line, the browser stopped being an application to view Web pages and the occasional bit of multimedia, and became a vital part of the daily workflow for millions of users.
The last part of the XSL template is the CSS portion, which makes the output a bit more readable (see Listing 6).
The design is a bit adventurous, and for the most part, it works, but it has a few major problems.
While for the most part that's unavoidable, you can at least consolidate things a little bit by using a couple of handy tools.
For its part, the ethanol industry is hoping that a bit of high-performance glamour on the track will help the general public to embrace biofuels at the pump.
I suspect Cambodia will have to come up with a bit of a delay on their part, "he said."
Audrey's bit part in Laughter in Paradise (1951) was spotted by a Paramount representative in London, who suggested she test for the role.
So in 1642, you see Milton softening a bit, in part because he's interested in getting married himself and, in fact he's married within a month of the actual publication of this treatise.
Children with CCHS can achieve and be part of society - they just need a bit of support.
And that is also part of your assignment, but I'm going to help you a little bit with that.
The fighting is the most crucial part of the game, but, sadly, it's a bit hit or miss.
The fighting is the most crucial part of the game, but, sadly, it's a bit hit or miss.