Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.
I'm surprised it wasn't mounted on a block of bitumen.
Listing 1. Protecting a block of code with ReentrantLock.
DB2 Connect sends back a block of rows (32 KB) whenever possible.
DB 2Connect每次尽可能发送回一整块的行(32KB)。
With that she turned to girl into a block of wood and threw it into the fire.
The test example above tests the font (Georgia vs. Verdana) of a block of body copy.
To use this refactoring, select a block of code in the editor and press Alt+Shift+M.
要使用这个重构,请选择编辑器中的一个代码块,然后按下 Alt+Shift+M。
A container is a block of data designed for passing information between programs.
The colon is important It's defining the beginning of a block of instructions. Yes Sir.
Memory-mapped files are an operating system feature that links a block of memory to a file.
The while loop, which executes a block of statements as long as a test expression is true.
The code in braces is a closure and is simply a block of code that's passed to callcc.
花括号中的代码是一个闭包,它仅仅是传递给 callcc的代码块。
Listing 5 provides an example of preceding a block of JSON data with a while (1); statement.
The user would select a block of text and then click on an icon to see a list of activities.
The Extract method refactoring allows you to select a block of code and convert it to a method.
When a method is called only once by another method, and it makes more sense as a block of code.
The server then formats a block of HTML that makes up the response and sends it back to the page.
The state provided a block of houses for the tomb workers on the outskirts of the city of Amarna.
I'm not ashamed to admit that my gut reaction to seeing a block of complex code is fear and trembling.
As an example, consider any repetitive coding pattern, such as executing a block of code with a lock held.
When a block of target code is first encountered, the block is translated and stored as a translated block.
If I take a piece of concrete, a block of concrete, and I put too much pressure on it, it starts to crumble.
The first phase was the demolition of a block of flats for the construction of condos, displacing the locals.
Somewhat obviously, they can be used to check the validity of a block of data such as a journal transaction.
Every event has a handler which is a block of code that is executed in response to the occurrence of the event.
That is, a block of code (function) that now doesn't have to be represented via thread state and registers and such.
So all he has to do is copy a block of code over into an HTML file, change the contents of it and he is good to go!
So all he has to do is copy a block of code over into an HTML file, change the contents of it and he is good to go!