Go, commonly known in China as weiqi, is a board game for two players.
Some people say that the success of modern-day pub quizzes is caused by a board game from the 1980s, called Trivial Pursuit.
A trademark used for a board game based on the ancient game of pachisi.
Maybe I'll invite a few friends over to watch an old movie or play a board game.
Maybe I'll invite a few friends to watch an old movie or play a board game.
Schedule family fun time, too, whether it's playing a board game or going on bike ride or hike.
Some word historians say this expression comes from a board game called Snakes and Ladders.
In the Panhandle we were minute pieces in a board game. Reach the end of the board and we fall off.
Several years ago, I had a dream about inventing a board game that would change my life's fortunes.
One of the deciding factors in the structure of a board game program is the representation of the board.
Destiny creates a collaboration document to show how the organizations work together to produce a board game.
Once he made a board game called Psychiatry, which consisted of little couches being moved around the board.
When weather is rainy, you can eat cranberry pie in the salon, read the available newspapers or play a board game.
But winning a board game is a trivial task compared with understanding the complexities and idiosyncrasies of human speech.
Have a movie night, get a board game night going, little ways that you can take breaks, and maybe even schedule in days off.
All of these adventures have been getting marked with a sticker on a board game we got from our local visitor's bureau... just.
Huang said that mary asked the students to bring a board game to class in order to improve their English communication ability.
There is a line of Angry Birds soft toys, Mattel is working on a board game and before long there will be a cartoon series, and, if all goes well, a film.
Later, having read about Napoleon's military strategies, he devised a computer version of Risk, a board game he liked in which the goal is world domination.
Interviewing is like a board game-competing players all have the same starting point and the winner is the player who accumulates the most points along the way.
A board game for two players, each beginning with 'pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.
Chess: a board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.
This is useful if you're using any RPG system that is d6-based, or playing a board game like Monopoly or Backgammon, or if you're trying to work out the odds in a dice game like Craps.
Whereas in a board game there's a limited set of moves you can take, and the rules of the game constrain things a bit and the reward signal is also much clearer. You either won or lost.
Given a few guidelines on size and materials, they decided what to create (a board game about climate change), wrote a deck of question CARDS, and came up with a name, logo, and marketing strategy.
Weiqi, called yi in ancient China, is a smart board game between two players with a history of over 3,000 years.
The boy practices the game for many hours a day on the floor with his board.
The board game Go took over from chess as a new test for human thinking in 2016, when a computer beat one of the world's leading professional Go players.
The suspected lion killer sits near the shore of Lake George and plays a vigorous board game known as omweso with one of his fellow cattlemen.
The suspected lion killer sits near the shore of Lake George and plays a vigorous board game known as omweso with one of his fellow cattlemen.