Migrants are now connected instantaneously, continuously, dynamically and intimately to their communities of origin... This is a fundamental and profound break from the past eras of migration.
Eventually a break even point is reached where the extra implementation cost of a given project is balanced by the global savings from reusing past projects.
Cutting its bloated management ranks is a huge break from the past, when G.M. towered over its competitors as the world's biggest automaker for more than 70 years.
Peel off worn out labels, break some pointless rules, find new ways to do things and new things to do, and while you're at it, leave a few of those problems from the past in the dust.
Mr Obama may have hoped for a clean break from the past. He remains shackled to it.
I've found what works for me is taking a break from the myopic view behind the camera when I can't see past the viewfinder.
Surinx represents a clean break from the past, using only JVM types and JVM dispatch mechanisms (like invokedynamic) to function.
Last season's youth team top scorer was not too far away from a second just minutes later, curling the ball past the Angle from 25 yards out after a break involving Sahar and Cummings.
And then there are the years that come along once in a generation, the kind that mark a clean break from a troubled past and set a new course for our nation.
One way out of a slump , he argued, is for policymakers to commit themselves to a period of catch-up inflation, to break deflationary expectations and heal the wounds from past price falls.
For this reason we have some right to consider ourselves a picked group, a group of those who had the courage to break from the past and brave the dangers and the loneliness of a strange land.
Despite the heat wave of the past few years in the art market, Shen and Wang have chosen a style of life that lets them devote in creating work. They also took a break from exhibiting.
Soon the school will break from the past and move to a new location with larger, and newer, facilities.
Soon the school will break from the past and move to a new location with larger, and newer, facilities.