There was not a breath of air, and the swallows were flying low near the water's edge.
Noon came and the sun was high and hot and not a breath of air stirred the dusty leaves.
Take a breath of air with the smell of grass, you will be intoxicated in this boundless beautiful land.
On the sandy floor of a popular Sydney beach, a girl floats in a prone position, her life held in a breath of air.
This sight suddenly changed the course of his ideas, and congealed his enthusiasm as a breath of air congeals melted rosin.
Then he noticed a spider crawling near his window. He bent over the insect and blew a breath of air at it. The spider trembled, and fell dead.
There was not a breath of air moving, nor a sound but that of the surf booming half a mile away along the beaches a against the rocks outside.
A breath of air which made its way in through the open pane, helped to dissipate the smell of the charcoal and to conceal the presence of the brazier.
I wish I were in my bed at Wuthering Heights, with the wind howling through the trees. Do let me feel a breath of air from the moors, just one breath!
Around midnight Sunday Fillmore and I retired; we had been given a room upstairs over the bar. It was sultry as the devil, not a breath of air stirring.
Furthermore, in a congested city these green spaces offer a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day.
These green spaces provide people in a congested city with a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day.
It's a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.
If a giant booger monster couldn't kill you, what's a breath of fresh air gonna do?
Many audiences say that it has provided a breath of fresh air to today's TV shows.
His book, I Love You, But I'm Not in Love With You, despite its rather dark title, is a breath of fresh air for all couples where passion seems to have given way to routine.
Be inspired by nature. I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.
That is why the opening of the new w, the city's first truly contemporary hotel, is such a breath of fresh air.
这就是新的W酒店- - -这座城市第一家真正当代性质的酒店- - -的开张成为这所城市所呼吸的一口新鲜空气原因。
I happened to be taking a breath of fresh air on my terrace while turning this over in my mind.
In his talk, Boehm said that he thought the agile movement was a breath of fresh air for the industry.
Using 4G can feel like a breath of fresh air for mobile workers who are accustomed to waiting and waiting for Web pages to load and files to appear.
Some Finns see Mr Soini as a breath of fresh air. But others echo concerns elsewhere in the EU about his potential as a refusenik.
He looked to me like a breath of fresh air, with his Hollywood good looks and impossibly attractive family—his wife with the velvety voice and their two gorgeous children.
David Paterson, his affable successor, was a breath of fresh air.
Now and then we hear a dissenting voice. Here is a breath of fresh air from an unexpected quarter.
These are cool technologies, and they bring a breath of fresh air to a chapter rooted solidly in the last (twentieth) century.
这些都是很好的技术,它们为在上个世纪(20 世纪)就已经根深蒂固的一章带来了一丝新鲜空气。
Connie: Do you know where to go for a breath of fresh air and wide open Spaces? Jim Stuart found a place right here in Stamford.
Connie: Do you know where to go for a breath of fresh air and wide open Spaces? Jim Stuart found a place right here in Stamford.