Even when he was nationally famous in the 1850s he resembled a clerk in a third-rate brokerage house, with slips of paper—marked-up proofs perhaps—hanging out of his pockets or stuck in his hat.
Now he works at a top brokerage house in midtown, wears a lot of Prada and Gucci, drives a BMW and is married to an attractive 27-year-old woman who works in the art world.
If the holding period is 6 months to 1 year for reporting companies the shareholder needs to go through a stock brokerage house completing the new 144 paperwork.
The lowest balance of funds that a clearing house or brokerage firm requires a counter-party, or the person on the other side of a deal to deposit when the trading is based on margin.
The lowest balance of funds that a clearing house or brokerage firm requires a counter-party, or the person on the other side of a deal to deposit when the trading is based on margin.