Sometimes I'd hand out a bus fare when a ticket went missing — always repaid the next day.
Working seven days a week to pay for his education, she walks home from work so exhausted she can hardly make it, but the walk saves a bus fare.
I found that I have a covered Park-and-Ride parking garage just 5 minutes from my house that offers free parking for the day with the purchase of bus fare.
Now the JDC helps with fund-raising, but Hodes still digs into his own pocket when a patient needs bus fare or a meal.
She managed to make her way home only after local farmers cobbled together a bit of money for her bus-fare.
What is more, the fare of the bus or subway is not a problem for the people of 70 or above, who can't go out very often.
I had to learn how to use the phone, how to pay bus fare, and how to ask a shopkeeper for things I didn't know the English for.
In some cities, you must pay a small additional fare if you need to change from one bus to another in the course of your ride.
I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help.
Step on the bus, pay the fare, duck the hanging bag of pig lard. That's what Israelis may have to do when they use public transportation, if police approve the lard as a new terrorist deterrent.
Nowadays, on many buses passengers do not have to buy tickets from a bus conductor. They put their money in a fare box or use a public transportation card instead.
Nowadays, on many buses passengers do not have to buy tickets from a bus conductor. They put their money in a fare box or use a public transportation card instead.