You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.
The secret was passed on to a business associate of Mr. Edison.
Mr. Brown, I'd like to introduce George miller. Mr. Miller is a business associate of our company.
You "ve forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he" s furious. What should you do?
It begins when he is searching for a gift to give a business associate and happens to discover a new shop in the marketplace.
For example, it is okay to ask for a discount on bad service when you are with your family, but not when you are with a business associate.
What you threw away can be recovered by anyone with access to your computer - your roommate, a business associate, the thief who just emptied out your office.
Just be wary of the new friends you make, especially anyone not introduced by a business associate. Don't socialize with strangers. Limit your alcohol consumption.
In circumstances where it's customary to entertain a business associate with his or her spouse, and your spouse also attends, entertainment of both spouses is deductible.
The person entertained must be a business associate-someone who could reasonably be expected to be a customer or conduct business with you, including an employee or professional advisor.
Another friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, remembers coming home to find his father mopping up blood and broken glass from their front room after "a lively discussion" with a business associate.
The second option is to define a business item template and associate several different business items with it.
Since transaction types are identified by two - or three-bit numerical or character code, a large company or small business needs to associate a business transaction category for each type.
If a server doesn't like you, he might try to embarrass you in front of your business associate or date by bringing your credit card back and saying, "do you have another card?"
Because the SOA project is driven by a desire to make the it realization of business processes more flexible, it's valuable to associate the artifacts with the business process they support.
A video released by Microsoft's Business Division today demonstrates technologies that we do not generally associate with Microsoft.
Add a new Business Data Web Part to your SharePoint site and associate it with the Customer Entity that you have defined.
The Relationship Service marks the business object as created, generates a new instance id, and creates a new table entry to associate it with the application-specific id.
But she quickly found a job, as an associate editor of the Atlanta Tribune, a black business magazine. Up north in Sandusky, Ohio, she had felt her talents were untapped.
但是她很快就在亚特兰大找到了一份工作,成为了亚特兰大论坛报(atlanta Tribune),这份黑人商业杂志的一名副编辑,在这之前,在俄亥俄的Sandusky时,她还曾因为才华无处施展而感到苦恼。
These business roles must still offer some added value to a business before it decides to associate with a given role and adopt the technology.
As businesses seek to embrace the technologies of dynamic e-business, they must be able to associate their business with specific a SOA role.
If you are meeting a Filipino man for the first time, whether he is an in-law, business associate, or friend, you will be expected to bring a gift, such as a bottle of whisky or a pack of cigars.
A data modeler can import business terms and use them to associate these business concepts with conceptual and physical data model elements.
The business logic is implemented as a collection of POJOs with a declarative blueprint.xml configuration file to associate bean definitions and references with OSGi services.
业务逻辑被实现为一个POJO集合,并通过一个声明性blueprint . xml配置文件将bean定义和引用与osgi服务关联起来。
Be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or business associate in Russia.
If you associate a Lotus form with a human task, the form is used in Business Space, rather than a generated JSP.
Branding is much easier if you have a distinctive logo that people will remember over time and associate with your business.
A member of the ruling family in Abu Dhabi has been cleared of charges that he tortured a former business associate.
Liu Chuanzhi says, associate bought IBM PC business, in Euramerican market it is a few big business clients, in financial crisis, these company be the first to be affected got pound.
Liu Chuanzhi says, associate bought IBM PC business, in Euramerican market it is a few big business clients, in financial crisis, these company be the first to be affected got pound.