Leave the yoke centered, then press a button on the controller.
Leave the yoke centered, then press a button on the controller.
Now, I'll tell you about the car of the other features: there is a button on the bus.
A button on the end of a scroll bar which can be pressed to move the current position.
Punch a button on the replicator and it'll spit out a pair of flawless diamond earrings.
Therefore, you must put the headset in a discover mode (by pressing a button on the headset).
Move the yoke all the way in and out, left and right, then press a button on the controller.
Minimize button: When you click on it, the window disappears and appears as a button on the taskbar.
In previous versions of Modeler, there was a button on the palette to go in and out of connection mode.
For example, you can create a callback method that is called when a user clicks a button on the Ribbon.
As mentioned earlier, we begin by creating a simple plug-in that places a button on the action bar as shown in figure 2.
When you open AK Notepad, you’ll see that there is a button on the top to allow you to hop directly in to taking a new note.
When you open AK Notepad, you'll see that there is a button on the top to allow you to hop directly in to taking a new note.
The driver is able to switch from hydrogen to gasoline mode manually by pressing a button on the multifunction steering wheel.
By moving a stick or pushing a button on the control box, a player can direct the movements of some of the objects on the screen.
Remember that cookies are normally sent with every request, even for things as simple as a request for a GIF file for a button on the page.
To set your controller's range of motion, move its handle in complete circles several times, and then press a button on the controller.
She had to use apparatus such as twin tubs to wash her family's clothes - harder work than simply pressing a button on the automatic washing machine.
This extra characteristic lets you take pictures and, by pressing a button on the camera, project them onto any nearby surface, in old-school slideshow style.
The picture is taken vibration-free by pressing a button on the remote control. Without disturbing you can continue looking through the eyepiece to the image.
This extra characteristic lets you take pictures and, by pressing a button on the camera, project them onto any nearby surface, in old-school slide show style.
The firm designs the grid of upcoming programmes that people see when they flop in front of the television and press a button on the remote control marked "TV guide".
So we’ll complicate things just a touch and create a button on the page, for which we’ll write an event handler to pop up a message box saying "Hello world", instead.
为了演示这一面,我们来做一个稍稍复杂一点的例子 :在页面上创建一个按钮,然后用一个事件处理器来响应按钮事件并弹出一个消息框显示“Hello world”字样。
You'll usually go on the scanner seat first, the radiographer give you a button on the end of a wire, so if you have any concerns you can immediately alert the staff.
Just press a button on the remote to bring up YouTube videos, Twitter updates, eBay auctions, Flickr photos and news headlines on a full screen or in the corner of your show.
The 'companion' can then track the phone's GPS to see where their loved one is at any time, while the app will periodically show a button on the user's home screen asking 'Are you OK?
然后这位“同伴”就可以跟踪手机的GPS随时了解他们爱的人所在的位置,而同时应用会定时在用户的主屏幕上显示一个按钮,询问“你还好吗?” 。
The 'companion' can then track the phone's GPS to see where their loved one is at any time, while the app will periodically show a button on the user's home screen asking 'Are you OK?
然后这位“同伴”就可以跟踪手机的GPS随时了解他们爱的人所在的位置,而同时应用会定时在用户的主屏幕上显示一个按钮,询问“你还好吗?” 。