Also, if investors just kept buying a currency whose supply was not expanding, its price would rise.
That is why investors get lured into buying dotcom stocks in the hope that a “greater fool” will purchase them at a higher price.
IF YOU're planning on buying a lot of something in the near future, it's bad when the price of that something rises.
By placing a firm order, an airline is committing to a buying and price schedule that stretches for years.
Buying direct means producers get a fair price, with no middlemen adding big margins along the distribution chain.
That's already a sign that HP is probably choosing not to compete on the one figure that all consumers immediately think of when buying, well, anything: price.
When they look at the price of a company, how do we know whether the price at which you're buying is reasonable?
That, too, at a far lower price tag than buying a stake of a similar size in one of China's bigger Banks.
But while it is easy to bet on a rise in the future price of some asset, simply by buying the asset, it is not so easy to bet on a fall in that price.
Google didn't disclose at what price it's buying the wind power from NextEra, but it's a 20-year contract which offers Google a fixed rate over that time.
What's really odd though (aside from an Internet giant actually selling a domain rather than buying one), is the price at which it sold.
If you rent the battery rather than buying it, that becomes a running cost (like petrol) and the sticker price of the car drops accordingly.
A sales agent, for example, might get you to commit to buying a car at a certain price.
Price rises change expectations of inflation, leading workers to bid for wage increases that preserve their buying power and firms to push through price increases, generating a vicious spiral.
If the customer is used to buying development with a fixed price model, or has formal guidelines, it can be quite a big-or even impossible-change for the customer.
This is great for when you’re shopping retail and you want to check the price of a product online before buying to make sure you’re paying a fair price.
When buying a car in Denmark one has to pay 25% VAT to the import price of the vehicle and then a 180% registration tax on top.
The price ended up at top of this range, as a small group of “cornerstone” investors committed themselves to buying large numbers of shares.
Buying my clothes at a thrift store yields items that are not-so-watered-down versions of what I would get at my other favorite clothing store, and that are a fraction of the price.
As a very rough rule of thumb, a price-to-rent ratio of less than 20 suggests that buying may be a good deal.
But you would consider buying today if you found a car that really pleases you at a price you like.
Good hagglers always do a thorough inspection of anything they are interested in buying and if they find a flaw they will always ask for the price to be lowered.
Short sellers, who borrow stocks then sell them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price, have reaped a bonanza.
But deciding what to charge requires careful analysis of such things as break-even points and price elasticities of demand-how buying habits change after a price rise or a discount.
The net return to the seller is the price less the tariff, which is why this can be equivalent to buying at a lower price.
Anyone who wants to hedge against a decline in the world's reserve currency has been buying gold and that has sent the price upwards.
Buying a product at the discounted price you get with a coupon is certainly cheaper than paying full-price — no one's arguing with that concept.
It's very possible that upon buying shares, the stock price, for one reason or another, rises dramatically in a short period of time.
It's very possible that upon buying shares, the stock price, for one reason or another, rises dramatically in a short period of time.