This is like a warning, or a call for help: "I'm being attacked!"
This morning, on my way to school, I was riding when I heard a call for help.
Responding to a call for help, a B-52 bomber attacked the first 30 or so vehicles in the column with a single, historic pass.
This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work toward the change of some circumstance or condition.
The wearer can also trigger the alarm voluntarily by sharply pulling the drawstrings to scare off the attackers and as a call for help.
Forty-eight hours later Stephen Carroll, a police constable with less than two years to go until retirement, was shot in the head when he answered a call for help in Craigavon.
She will eat me unless I have a mobile phone to call for help.
If a person is hit by lightning, you should call for emergency help.
If you can't face telling someone you know, call an organization like Al-Anon/Alateen (they have a 24-hour hotline at 1-800-344-2666) or go online for help.
Having a number to call or an actual location you can go to can be very helpful when you need help or are looking for answers.
I know that's a long time, but honestly, it won't help to call now, for you will only be rebuffed.
It'svaried work, but not stressful: when I'm on call I can expect a half-dozenrequests for help, none of them emergencies.
She attempts to call for help but her cell phone is unable to get a signal.
Among other benefits, that means that anyone in the LABS can call for help at any time, and a support specialist can "look over his shoulder", even if the specialist is across the country at the time.
Using a grid will help tremendously in organizing your content and directing users to key elements on your page – things like call-to-action buttons for example.
Of course, you may be reluctant to call upon a friend for help because you don’t want to admit you need it.
If an SCA component needs to call the currently valid version of a human task, the decorator process for human tasks pattern can help to achieve this.
Summer: I'll call them now to set up a time to meet. Thanks for you help, Elizabeth!
Money transfers will go more smoothly, you can call the U.S. offices for help with problems, and you'll have a local branch where you can do business.
Having a number to call or an actual location you can go to can be very helpful when you need help or are looking for answers. Most legitimate schools will give you a number you can use to reach them.
A little more flexibility and removing call intercept on his phone to make time for love might help with his search.
"You roll the dice" when making a call for emergency help, admits Ronald Bonneau, who runs a 911 center 30 miles south of Chicago.
Never stop trying to escape and always take the opportunity to use a phone to call 911 and ask for help.
Jon makes a routine call to the help desk and asks for a password reset as a supposed remote user.
Jon给Help Desk打了一个常规电话,作为假想的远程用户要求密码重设。
In a Help Desk application, you can view the call logs of a particular employee in the list component, and an information component can list the average call time for the displayed calls.
In a Help Desk application, you can view the call logs of a particular employee in the list component, and an information component can list the average call time for the displayed calls.