The government soon launched a campaign against obscene publications.
The Catholic Church soon launched a campaign against the initiative, helping force Ella Flagg Young, the superintendent of schools, to resign.
Recently a campaign against food waste launched online might make you think twice about being so wasteful.
They waged a campaign against cheating on exams.
In 1985 I got involved in a campaign against food irradiation.
The Students' Union waged a campaign against waste on the campus.
However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution.
That's why I decided to take part in a campaign against racism with Thierry Henry.
The FBI agents have forged links with the local police in a campaign against gang activities in the city.
After establishing himself in Egypt, Saladin launched a campaign against the Crusaders, besieging Darum in 1170.
A year ago the ministry of social affairs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) launched a campaign against "masculine women".
The Council has launched a campaign against text messaging, which kicked off with the public burning of a mobile phone.
BBC reports, police in a northern Indian state have launched a campaign against couples displaying affection in public places.
They met during a speech in London in October by Britain's Prince William to promote a campaign against the illegal wildlife trade.
A campaign against rascal software has been undertaken recently. Every computer user is condemning the rascal software for its harm.
Her lawyers said neither Ms Bruni nor the photographer had given permission for use of the image, which was shot for a campaign against Aids in 1993.
A campaign against "narcos" there has cost at least 35,000 lives in the past five years-and is driving them into the chaotic countries of Central America.
The use of optical illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008, as part of a campaign against speeding motorists.
In addition to serving as a testing site, the agency will help coordinate a campaign against illegal factories that make steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.
Usually they are in school will launch a campaign against discrimination and AIDS science, will regularly go to Beijing You 'an Hospital and the exchange where the infected person.
Shortly after the Moyles incident a campaign against homophobia was launched in Britain under the slogan "homophobia is gay", playing on the double meaning of the word "gay" in youth culture.
"Sichuanese cuisine really faces a crisis, " said Wang Kaifa, a 71-year-old chef who has been leading a campaign against what he sees as the creeping debasement of the region's celebrated cooking.
China's Internet regulator will launch a crackdown on the reporting of news gathered from social media, as part of what the government calls a campaign against fake news and the spreading of rumours.
Earlier this year the WHO started a campaign against tobacco known as MPower. One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed.
"At 81, he could only be a figurehead or 'caretaker' director-general," said diplomats, who also point to a rigorous Egyptian campaign against him.
He links this "ugly trend" to what he calls "a McCarthyite campaign against civil society".
Civil society has also mobilized around this issue in a worldwide campaign called the Global call to Action Against Poverty.
Senator Obama denied that charge Wednesday in Norfolk, Virginia, and accused the McCain campaign of waging a negative campaign against him that USES lies and underhanded tactics.
Senator Obama denied that charge Wednesday in Norfolk, Virginia, and accused the McCain campaign of waging a negative campaign against him that USES lies and underhanded tactics.