Why are so many people still without access to adequate food on a planet more than capable of producing enough for its inhabitants?
A concern of broader import is that regulators may be unnecessarily mollycoddling people capable of making their own choices.
She wanted - what some people want throughout life - a grief that should deeply touch her, and thus humanise and make her capable of sympathy.
Most people are capable of critical thinking with a bit of a nudge: They're just out of practice.
It has a sort of obvious feel to it: surely, the argument goes, such a large number of people must be capable of producing at least a few Olympic champions!
The new space vehicle design USES shuttle rocket parts, an Apollo-style capsule and a lander capable of carrying four people to the moon.
Scientists are investigating, on a molecular level, how the virus might mutate to become capable of infecting people more easily.
This proved that the water management system was capable of providing additional food by way of irrigation to a substantial number of people.
Everyday experience suggests that people are capable of "catching" the mood of a spouse or friend, said lead author Dr.
Most people knew the kind of person Lloyd had been, quiet and kind of shy. Nobody really understood how he had been capable of such a crime.
It now looms as a major obstacle to achieving the development successes that I believe this country is capable of, and which the Indonesian people deserve.
Nowadays most people own a multitude of devices capable of displaying photos and playing music and video.
Probably not, but Shenk believes that most people are capable of a lot more than they realize.
Nothing gets people noticed faster than capable, loyal staff who tell everyone what a great boss they have.
Laser Energetics, in New Jersey, sells "Dazer Lasers" that emit a green beam capable of dazzling people up to 2.4km away.
Nowadays, some opposition people regard a nuclear-capable Iran with scarcely less alarm than Iran's foreign foes.
It's a very heavy element, which makes it difficult for many people to wear. It has to be forced into the pores (hence the buffing technique) otherwise it is capable of sliding off the wearer's face.
The vastly more affordable and still hugely capable 21.5-inch model makes a lot more sense for a lot more people.
Lee is a person who would spend money secretly to make people believe he was infinitely capable and influential.
Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention, and many more people are capable of experiencing such moments than is sometimes thought.
The little campus village has a low-pressure, low-cost water purifier capable of creating enough drinking water for 3,000 people a day.
Treating such a group as an opponent will result in the loss of valuable products, and more importantly the capable people connected with them.
The nation's Maritime Self-Defence Force is reportedly planning to construct a new 284 metre long destroyer capable of transporting 14 helicopters, 4,000 people and 50 trucks.
The company is planning a low-latency fibre network that will be capable of delivering speeds of over 100 megabytes a second for communities of 50, 000-500, 000 people.
The company is planning a low-latency fibre network that will be capable of delivering speeds of over 100 megabytes a second for communities of 50, 000-500, 000 people.