I had a Boyz II Men-esque 3-person a capella group when I was in junior high – and another 5-man group in college.
As Aguilera sings a soulful a capella rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, graphics illustrate how millions of children go to bed hungry.
The self-taught composer used voice-modulation software to layer her vocals, creating a haunting a capella meditation on life and death that sounds like Wendy Carlos meets the Cocteau Twins.
自学成才的作曲者用声音调节软件将她的声音分层,激发人们关于生与死的冥想,萦绕心际,就像WendyCarlos和Cocteau Twins的结合。
Here's a close - up look at the constellation Auriga the Charioteer. Its brightest star is called Capella.
Here's a close - up look at the constellation Auriga the Charioteer. Its brightest star is called Capella.