It has more to do with the fact that a car mechanic like Cheik Gueye can't afford nice things.
Alian is one of those rare people whose presence is naturally healing to everyone around him who is open to it. If he were a car mechanic, you would feel healed by taking your car to him.
While road testing the car, a mechanic injures another motorist and is sued for $50,000.
To ease the burden, Henry joined forces with another mechanic, Jim Bishop, Even so, it was two years before they had succeeded in building a working car.
These are the words of a well-meaning man who can see no moral or practical difference between a car thief, a scrap-yard mechanic, and a person who insures a car and thus profits if it is stolen.
First, buyers can become informed and regularly hire their own mechanic to inspect a car they are considering. Inspections reduce the informational asymmetry but are costly in their own right.
One simple method of training our users to accurately report problems is by asking them appropriate questions, just like a good car mechanic or doctor: “Can you show me where it hurts?”;
Our local mechanic, on the other hand, considers quite a different abstraction perspective when we bring in the car for "making a funny noise."
If you are not that well versed in mechanics and cars, you may want to take a mechanic along so that he or she can evaluate whether the car really is worth the used dealer's tag price.
And there is always a mechanic on stand-by at the back of the car with a power-operated engine starter, ready for instant use if the car stalls.
When the mechanic completes the maintenance, he or she uses "makeCall" to initiate a call to the customer, and a prerecorded message indicates that the car is ready for pickup.
For instance, I know a capable company boss, who is also an expert in private cars and very skillful at changing car oil, even more efficiently than a mechanic.
A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes.
"Right as a trivet now, " said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. "I've replaced your silencer.
“修好了,”那修理工从车底下爬出来说道, “我已经更换了你的消声器。”
Henry Ford was himself a born mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.
If traveling by car, be sure to have your car brought in to a mechanic for maintenance before you leave.
Currently, most software applications treat the file system in much the same way that the operating system does. This is tantamount to making you deal with your car in the same way a mechanic does.
Your local car mechanic could print out new parts for your car without having to order them from a supplier far, far away.
If your mechanic determines your car can't be fixed, he might break it to you by first reminding you that it was a great car for many years.
When the car started losing speed, it was taken to a mechanic, who discovered two bricks of cocaine wrapped around the vehicle's fuel line. The wrapping had apparently come loose recently.
When the car started losing speed, it was taken to a mechanic, who discovered two bricks of cocaine wrapped around the vehicle's fuel line. The wrapping had apparently come loose recently.