A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking.
A case in point is the study by Linda Sax at UCLA, who used data from a large national survey of college freshmen to evaluate the effect of single-sex versus coeducational high schools.
Nearly all major cities in the us are crime - ridden. A case in point is Chicago.
Language is dynamic and ever-changing, a case in point is the appearance of netspeak.
A case in point is Steven Soderbergh's "Contagion", which opened in America last week.
A case in point is your reversal of the formerly deteriorating relationship with France.
A case in point is that the dolphin can save drowning men by pushing them to the surface of the water.
A case in point is Li Yang's 2003 film about Henan coal miners, Blind Shaft, which won awards at several major Western film festivals.
A case in point is when a patient is suffering an incurable illness, should the doctor or the other people inform the patient of the truth?
A case in point is that whether the doctor should inform the patient about the true condition of his illness when he is suffering an incurable disease.
A case in point is the recent events at Hsianghsiang in Hunan and Yanghsin in Hupeh, where the landlords exploited the opposition of some peasants to smashing idols.
A case in point is that the world community learned the great lesson from World War II that there must not be another world war, thus we entered into 40 plus years of the "cold war".
A case in point is the Gulf of Aden and waters off the Somali coast. In an effort to maintain freedom of navigation, the Chinese naval vessels have been performing escort missions there since 2008.
That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point.
In either case, the service router supports the service Integrator, which is now a single point of access for that business function or process.
When this is the case, this technique of tracking state from one join point to be used in a later one is quite helpful.
Even in the best case scenario from this point onward, is the Fukushima site now a radioactive waste dump for years to come?
The right event at the right time can give a city a lift: Barcelona, host in 1992, is a case in point.
In the case that the network or remote data point is unavailable, a developer might choose to use local file access to present alternative data.
The latest version of the EU rule book, the Lisbon treaty, is a sorry case in point.
The semiconductor equipment sector, one of the world's more volatile and cyclical businesses, is a case in point.
The relative performance of China, the leading exporter among emerging economies, and Germany, the rich world’s champion, is a case in point.
Construction is an extreme case in point, largely because it takes several months to build a house.
A case in point, some say, is Cisco's line of consumer products, whose creators clearly were engineers, not designers.
The recent decision of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah to allow women to vote in municipal elections is a case in point.
There are, of course, exceptions; the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point.
There are, of course, exceptions; the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point.