I'm sorry. I don't have a case record here. This is my initial visit.
The design and construction of cantilever Pile Cluster in exterior-protected deep foundation pit are introduced by means of a case record in this paper.
In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do seem to be influenced by a company's record in CSR.
In that case, a gap exists and the analyst must record and report the issue for further investigation.
Even in the worst case, when a change record starts off as vague or high-level, it is at least being tracked and documented.
Given the above use case, it is evident that a record needs to be created in both the systems only if both operations are successful.
In one case study, "Ralph" boasts outstanding feedback, exceeds all his targets and has a perfect implementation record, yet loses out to an ambitious rival with "sharp elbows".
It also enables you to open up a configured test case record and view test run result history for test cases across several versions and releases.
You can also open a test case record and associate configurations with it, if you'd rather do it that way.
As with manual test scripts, to run an automated script, you must associate it with a test case and a test execution (test run) record.
When we go through an electronic toll with our E-Zpass, a record of our movements exists that might one day be used in a divorce case.
A record indicating when a schedule has been overwritten: this is the case if the WIP operator decides to run Now an edition that has been scheduled to run later.
In this case, Transformer will deal with a simple record set in which only one value per order method is returned making category generation efficient.
At the end of the workflow, the state of the damage claim is updated to Closed and the case is declared as a record as appropriate.
The dynamic test involves using the Monitor to record SOAP messages between the Web service and client; in this case, the client is a JUnit test Suite based on Axis 1.4.
动态测试指使用Monitor记录Web服务和客户机之间的SOAP消息;在本例中,客户机一个基于Axis 1.4的JUnitTestSuite。
If so, they still generate a compression dictionary, but in this case, there is no compressed record, as all data has already been moved into the table.
Although RUP does a fine job of describing the Development Case and Review Record, it does not fully explain their interrelationship — something I will do in this article.
Burisch has stated on record that according to the most recent computer-analyzed Looking Glass data, there is a 19% chance of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence in that 19% figure.
The list of plaintiffs in the case is a virtual "Who's Who" of influential Hollywood record and film companies.
This would be the case in alerting scenarios that require that action is taken if any new data record is assigned to a cluster with a deviation degree above the given threshold.
The outbreak in Angola is the largest and deadliest on record for this rare disease, which is presently showing a case fatality rate higher than 90%.
It helps to record the disk information somewhere else periodically for comparison in case such a thing occurs.
It began in the cold war, hoping to retain a record of Europe's heritage in case the Soviets came.
The new data has no classification (in this case, no checks on heart disease have been made) and the scoring process assigns a prediction to each new record according to the mining model.
Gordon Brown now makes the case for an activist state, even though his legacy is unaffordable public spending and a record deficit.
In this case, there's a single variable, named people, and the value is the array containing three items, each of which is a person record with a first name, a last name, and an e-mail address.
在这个示例中,只有一个名为 people的变量,值是包含三个条目的数组,每个条目是一个人的记录,其中包含名、姓和电子邮件地址。
Many times a single requirement could apply to multiple projects, in which case the recommendation is to enable the ALMRequest record.
In this case, SharePoint only needs to query a single record from the Lists table in the content database.
Together, the Development Case and Review Record provide a clean, simple roadmap that covers all important bases and represents an effective balance of agility and discipline. 8.
Together, the Development Case and Review Record provide a clean, simple roadmap that covers all important bases and represents an effective balance of agility and discipline. 8.