For this article, we've chosen a fictional automobile windshield wiper company as a case study.
A case study on MDD based on LDM.
A case study using Apache synapse.
A case study using query annotation.
Sweeney Todd is a case study in vertical integration.
Mapping the repository to the II CE API: a case study.
Stalham has become a case study for critics of Tesco and other big chains.
Scoring and keying multiple choice tests: a case study in irrationality.
To see how a sequence map can be helpful, let's go through a case study.
Plan on being a management consultant but unable to digest a case study for your life?
I finish with a case study, based on a ThoughtWorks project I've worked on intermittently.
最后我以一个案例研究作为结束,该案例研究基于一个Thought Works项目,这是我间歇性地从事的一个项目。
Underneath Gaga's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today.
在Lady Gaga干草堆一样的假发背后是一个值得我们研究的个例,那就是如今在音乐商业领域获得成功的代价究竟是什么?
Stay tuned for Part 4, which will use a case study to illustrate the techniques in the first three parts.
请继续关注第 4部分,我们将使用一个案例研究来演示前三个部分中的技术。
If you have a case study that you think embodies the research we are undertaking, please let us know.
A case study of a more typical organization would have been more useful to a broader group of readers.
Underneath Gaga's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today.
It could be a case study for localism: under local management, all that revenue would stay in Wendover Woods.
For example, they may work on a Proof of Technology, a course, a case study, a framework, or process guidance.
例如,他们可能从事一个Proof ofTechnology,一个课程,一个案例研究,一个框架,或者过程指导。
PS: Seth mentions me about eight minutes into it as a case study of what he's talking about (Thanks, Seth!)
A case study illustrated how these concepts interrelate, using concrete examples of best practice implementations.
In the next section we'll expand on these points by using a case study involving both B2B and enterprise integration.
We then present a case study that uses SOA to validate data quality, and end with a list of tools for various services.
Let's take a look at a case study of offering data validation services, a subset of data quality services, through SOA.
Chapter 11 is a case study on how to build a complete web application using the concepts presented throughout the book.
I will also examine a case study of a situation where improved interoperability environment was clearly illustrated.
However, this is a case study, and for a number of reasons, we did not require all of the tools. Here are a few reasons.
The Finnish telecommunications group is a case study in how to miss the boat by not listening to the right internal voices.
The a case study using query annotation section of the article describes how you can determine if the estimate is accurate.
Ram Chillarege and Kothanda Ram Prasad, "Test and Development Process Retrospective -- A Case Study Using ODC Triggers."
RamChillarege和Kothanda RamPrasad,“测试与开发过程的回顾―――使用ODC触发的个例研究”
Microsoft recently published a case study highlighting the success of the migration of 950,000 lines of VB6 code to .NET.