Have the new media since then helped you to bring about a change for the better?
Anything that mitigates the obscenity of so rich a country leaving so many people without coverage will be a change for the better.
Some are saddled with outdated beliefs. Others find it hard to change their spending and saving habits-even if it's clearly a change for the better.
It may not have an immediate effect, but combined with rewarding good behaviour, tolerance, patience and realistic expectations, you'll see a change for the better over time.
Maybe, we can look at unemployment as a way to change our lives for the better by becoming the person we were always meant to be.
A better argument would be that the region's renewed success would be the best long-term hope for change in Russia.
Even though the API change itself may make the framework better, every user of the API will have to pay a price for the upgrade.
We'd like to make a contribution, change things for the better, improve lives, leave behind something positive.
There was a sense there that it was possible for people to make new lives and for things to change for the better.
This does not mean that we could not entirely change it for the better, it just means that the crisis is not a major challenge for economics research.
According to Carol Sansone, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of Utah, one type of reinforcement must be present for self-change, two would be better than one, and three would be best.
According to Carol Sansone, Ph. D., a psychology professor at the University of Utah, one type of reinforcement must be present for self-change, two would be better than one, and three would be best.
Walters didn't know it at the time, but a blood clot in the fleshy innards of his skull would change his life — for the better.
The smaller the better, because habit change is difficult, and trying to take on too much is a recipe for disaster.
For example, the Tories are thought to be doing better in the marginals, the seats most likely to change hands, than in the country as a whole.
We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for the environment and for the animals -- but in a carnivorous culture, it can be hard to make the change.
作为周间素食者,周一到周五和素食者一样——不食肉,但是周末可以自由选择。 如果你想更进一步,可以不再食用红肉和加工肉,因为这两者是破坏环境和健康的罪魁祸首。
Not only has the short-term trend changed to bullish but the long-term trend has a tentative change for the better, as well.
The findings, reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology, do not prove that a change in marital status directly causes the change in fitness -- for better or worse.
该研究结果发表于《美国流行病学期刊》(the American Journalof Epidemiology)。 研究未证明婚姻状况的改变会直接导致健康变化——不管是变好,还是变坏。
If you want to motivate someone to change for the better then don't put them down but instead use phrases like "I don't expect this from a good person like you".
A recent set of comparisons imply that Grails has the edge on performance for now, but that new releases of Ruby promise better performance across the board, and that may change.
Growing frustration with this game prompted a lower turnout in a general election on May 16th, but the results have raised hopes of change for the better.
As someone who has used a bicycle to get around New York for about 30 years I've watched the city-mainly Manhattan, where I live-change for better and for worse.
Because Google had a deeply felt sense of purpose: a conviction to change the world for the better.
Jester's line-number reports are often quite a ways off, so you're better off searching for the changed code in the console output. Here's a change from the report in Listing 1.
Better regret for a month than for ten years, then change the fact in the left nine years and eleven months.
We now have a chance – a great opportunity – to change the way the British people are governed, and change it for the better.
We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up.
We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up.