Let's just hope it's not a sign of a larger trend away from classroom learning and discussion.
The course from our classroom discussion to a story to another story had so many u-turns and twists that you could never predict a thing.
For example, in one math class visited by Schleicher, the teacher threw out a complex problem that provoked classroom discussion as to how to best arrive at a possible solution.
During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information?
Note: This is a hypothetical case intended for the purposes of classroom discussion, and was not based on any actual events.
We spent a lot of time reviewing past lessons with quizzes and classroom discussion for our Final Test next week.
We were caught up in a discussion about the situation in the Middle East when the professor walked into the classroom.
In recent years, classroom discourse has been a field of heated discussion among teachers and pedagogical researchers.
As this discussion makes clear, machine learning has a formidable learning curve, for which years of classroom and laboratory work at the university level may prove essential.
How to make it play a maximum efficacy, depends on the quality of classroom teachers cooperative learning into a deeper discussion, try and research.
This week we spent a lot of time reviewing past lessons with quizzes and classroom discussion for our Mid-Term Test on Friday, April 17, 2009.
The classroom with a panel discussion, performance, establishing extracurricular teaching, strengthen the communication in english.
After that they gave our teachers very professional reviews and guidance, and had a lively discussion about "how to improve classroom efficiency."
After that they gave our teachers very professional reviews and guidance, and had a lively discussion about "how to improve classroom efficiency."