A clear night sky with a gentle snow fall in the moonlight is the perfect environment for a drive to see the Christmas lights around town.
Walter Lewin, though, has asked APOD to pose this as a challenge to astrophotographers: create a real single-exposure image of a clear night sky that features 360 degree star trails.
The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine.
If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star!
You needn’t have a clear view of the sky toexperience the starry night.
On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.
It was a cold, clear night, and the village lay under deep snow. Bright, icy stars shone from a dark sky down on the silent whiteness below.
The Florida peninsula and the southeastern U. s. on a clear autumn night with moonlight over the water and the sky filled with a billion stars.
The night sky is very clear today, and the moon hanging in the sky like a tracts, the whole city is enveloped by the light of the moon light, all as if covered with a layer of white veils.
On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars.
In San Francisco, it can get very foggy in the morning and at night, but it's very sunny throughout the day with a clear, blue sky.
And for the moment the apparition of the gale rose before his eyes - a gale at night, with a clear sky and under a full moon, the huge seas glinting coldly in the moonlight.
On the same night, Yao sees Mijiko's works on that there is a road stretching to the horizon under a clear sky.
On the same night, Yao sees Mijiko's works on that there is a road stretching to the horizon under a clear sky.