TIGER WOODS: Well, the police investigated the accident and they cited me 166 bucks and it's a closed case.
In February, the school system promised teachers and staff two months of retirement payments in case schools closed early, a deal that will cost the district $275,000 more.
He opened his attaché case, removed a folder, then closed it again.
"Presumably it's because it's simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further," Polman says.
The door hadn’t even fully closed behind him when Mary Ann said, “I’ve got to tell you something incredible,” and she took a bottle out of the case and held it out for me to open.
The case, notorious in France, was finally closed two weeks ago when a court ruled against him.
It was shown that the floor MATS could trap the accelerator, so the company declared a recall of approximately 55, 000 such floor MATS and the case was closed.
Typically, companies implement a business flow that automates the process of moving a case from New to Closed.
One and a half years later, I think the case is closed.
And do you think that with your agreement to try to avoid these things in the future that the case is now closed, or this is going to be a continued irritant in the relationship?
Note that in the case of a crash, your system will be safe; all ports will be closed and unaccessible.
The person was there, he saw who did it, and unless he's a proven liar the case is closed.
That now seems probable, despite Mr Brown’s initial, indefensible preference for a closed version: with Mr Bush departed and Saddam dead, the case for privacy was always piffling.
Silvio Berlusconi attended a closed-door pre-trial hearing in Milan relating to a tax-fraud case, his first court appearance in eight years.
The safest place to be in case of an electrical storm is in a closed car.
At the end of the workflow, the state of the damage claim is updated to Closed and the case is declared as a record as appropriate.
Not careful case in water, can be called a silica particulate matter and have water quartz watch Together into a closed container, a few hours later, remove the quartz watch, water is all disappeared.
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Parents wondered who to blame when two neighboring schools in their small central Minnesota town closed because one school had a probable case of swine flu.
Once the article has been collected, the Housekeeping Order Taker should rule a line through the column to show that the case is closed.
The solutions in closed form have been obtained in the particular case when there is only one crack in a periodic strip.
The motor case is a steel cylinder closed tight at one end. the other end is the open throat and nozzle.
A criminal case with both direct and indirect evidences requires the integrality of the evidence chain of the whole case, while the case with only indirect evidences needs a closed evidence chain.
In this case by the counter-plate or into the closed structure, complete sets of equipment with a strong, small size, without combustion and explosion hazards, with a reliable "anti-five" function.
Here, one would expect if a case of swine flu was found in a school, then that school would perhaps be closed at least temporarily.
Finally, the paper has a case study dealing with the impacts of the green barrier to soybean import set up by China, whose results is proved rather closed to the real situation.
Finally, the paper has a case study dealing with the impacts of the green barrier to soybean import set up by China, whose results is proved rather closed to the real situation.