A clothing shop is to be a key anchor in a new development planned on the vacant lot.
There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a clothing shop near his home.
Proceeds will sponsor Zhang Xiaohua in Yilong, Sichuan. This is a woman who needs USD 380 in order to open a clothing shop.
The store comprises six buildings and includes a clothing shop, beer shop, music recording studio for young musicians and a ticket centre for events and trips organised by Heineken.
Our shop has made [entered into] a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week.
Mendizábal, who watched it with him on a computer at the clothing shop, said that Rosenberg played the video over and over, searching for clues.
Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
Purchase children's clothing at a consignment shop or on an online auction instead of buying these items new.
That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.
On the way, I saw a children's clothing shop where there was an image of a child, almost the same age of my own, wearing an incredibly cute outfit with a sailboat on the front.
A clothing store employee said some people had warned him to keep his shop closed because there could be trouble, but he decided to open it up and work because he needs the money.
"The people in Prato are ostriches," said Patrizia Bardazzi, who with her husband has run a high-end clothing shop in downtown Prato for 40 years.
“The people in Prato are ostriches, ” said Patrizia Bardazzi, who with her husband has run a high-end clothing shop in downtown Prato for 40 years.
A certain level could overcome the clothing retail entity shop during business hours and market scope limitation.
She designs dresses for a large clothing shop.
When she was 18, Ling Ling started a bricks-and-mortar clothing shop in Shanghai, but she soon realised that her online fame would bring more business.
From the clothing shop out of a matter of time, alas, the class ring on the drive on my tail.
Bao Yifen, a 23-year-old recent college graduate, opened her clothing shop with a $5, 000 investment in 2007.
Later, in this shop to buy a piece of clothing, nothing better than just look at the clothes cheaper.
Whenever working in the wood shop remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.
When she was 18, Ling Ling started a bricks-and-mortar clothing shop in Shanghai, but she soon realised that her online fame would bring more business.
The teacher asked us to do a survey of the clothing shop in town.
"I want to help your son," said the magician. "I will build him a shop. He can sell fruit or shoes or clothing. Then you will have money."
Consignment Shops Rather than throw out or sell slightly worn clothing or other household items in a garage sale, consider selling them through a consignment shop.
When you shop in a physical clothing and accessories store, it is important for the decoration to impact visual sense.
When you shop in a physical clothing and accessories store, it is important for the decoration to impact visual sense.