"The Canterbury Tales" is a collection of poems about different people traveling to the...
"The Canterbury Tales" is a collection of poems about different people traveling to the town of Canterbury.
Representative works: Traces (a collection of poems), Retreating Figure, and You and I (collections of essays).
It is a collection of poems laid open for appreciation, poems about the familiar alleys breathing under the urban sky.
I chanced on a copy of the collection of Shakespeare's poems in the library.
One day in a Kabul bookstore I found a collection of landays - "short ones" -the two-line poems the Pashtuns recite to each other at the village well or at wedding celebrations.
Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair is as sensual now as it was when he debuted the collection in 1924 at age 19.
I am currently working on a new collection of stories, and a new set of poems entitled "Unanimous Night" : this title is a take-off from something Borges, the Argentine writer, said.
In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflections on death.
The word "swimming" can be found in a verse in the "Book of Songs," Chinese earliest collection of poems. It reflects the practice of the sport in ancient times.
This is a good (A. collection) of poetry. It has a lot of good poems in it.
A collection of Old Norse poems, called the Elder or Poetic Edda, assembled in the early 3th century.
They will be included in the book Yu Tang You Yong as appendices because that book is a collection of my poems in my calligraphy.
The Poems for Imperial Reading is a rarely extant collection of the Tang writings.
He bought a Select Collection of Shakespeare's Poems.
I had read the poems you publicate on the forum. I understand that you are going to publicate a collection of your poems.
Tagore poems will also have garden "birds collection" landscape as a theme, pick a poem in which a quiet warmth of being hidden in the landscape.
Tagore poems will also have garden "birds collection" landscape as a theme, pick a poem in which a quiet warmth of being hidden in the landscape.