And I have to choose a compatible orientation.
A compatible smartphone for testing and display.
Stereo sound can only be heard with a compatible stereo headset.
Apple's online store doesn't yet list a compatible dock adapter for sale.
Then, carefully follow the directions of a compatible sensor cleaning kit.
Download Apache Tomcat V5, a compatible Web server that will integrate into the ATF.
下载ApacheTomcatV5,它是将集成到at F中的兼容Web服务器。
You need to ensure that a compatible JVM is used with the JDK_PATH for that environment.
Shall be coated with a compatible, permanent insulating paint, lacquer, or varnish. The.
You need a compatible script to manage the nginx server, so install the nginx resource agent.
If you have other drives, and they have a compatible file system, then it'll read them as well.
The module enables HTML pages to appear normal when not being used by a compatible browser.
If I'm using MindTerm, I simply expect to download and install both it and a compatible JRE.
For foreign key creation, another table with a primary key with a compatible data type is required.
In this way, if a design calls for a hosting stack, you can substitute a compatible virtual system.
Finding and choosing a compatible work partner is the most important once a job share is in place.
Because you only tested this plug-in in jQuery 1.2, you will only include that as a compatible version.
因为您只能使用jQuery 1.2测试该插件,您应该将其作为一个兼容版本包含在内。
SSL enables us to use PUTAUT (CTX) when those trusted systems are in a compatible authentication domain.
当这些受信的系统位于兼容的身份验证域中时,SSL允许我们使用PUTAUT (CTX)。
If your search parameters are too narrow, it's rare that you'll find a compatible partner, online or offline.
It only implements the EJB 1.1 specification, but it also implements many of the ideas from EJB 2.0 in a compatible form.
Application Server 4.0只实现EJB 1.1规范,但它还以兼容的方式实现EJB 2.0中的许多思想。
If you want to find a compatible partner who holds the qualities you value, try going somewhere with a smaller selection!
Although you might find a compatible third at a party or a bar (and there's no reason to not try), you can also look online.
EHarmony selected her as a compatible partner for Leon, but he put her aside at first, because her name was too much like his.
Since JRuby aims to be a compatible implementation of Ruby 1.8.x (or future versions), it's necessary to support the same Regexes.
由于JRuby目标是成为与Ruby 1.8 . x(及以后版本)兼容的实现,因此有必要支持同样的正则表达式。
However, the team deliberately chose a compatible donor who has a naturally occurring gene mutation that confers resistance to HIV.
A compatible change in the WSDL definition increments the minor version number and does not change the WSDL definition target namespace.
A compatible change in the WSDL definition increments the minor version number and does not change the WSDL definition target namespace.