He'd have to be a competent cook because I have absolutely no competence in that area.
This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr.Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.
This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr.Jobs?as?chief?executive?in?August, was?generally?regarded?as?competent?but?uninspiring.
Tim Cook, the computing giant’s new chief executive, and his colleagues did a perfectly competent job of presenting its latest wares.
This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.
This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.