Note that it is beyond the scope of this article to provide a complete description of JNI.
We have a complete description of the various attacks and how you can defend against them here.
Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
For a complete description of the deployment features available to you, see Deploying Applications.
A complete description of expectations for a system that are held by interacting persons at a given time.
If a new process is involved, please provide a complete description of your intended manufacturing process.
See Type Library to Assembly conversion Summary for a complete description of the import conversion process.
The metadata is described in terms of types and properties, and a complete description is held by a data factory.
Level of evidence Prognostic level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence Therapeutic level I. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence: Prognostic level I. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence: Prognostic level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence Therapeutic level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence: Therapeutic level IV. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence: Therapeutic level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Level of evidence Therapeutic level III. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
II I级治疗标准,证据级别完整说明见作者说明。
For a complete description of the parameters specific to permissions, see the section describing built-in permissions.
Level of evidence: Therapeutic level IV. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
A complete description is conducted for railway safety and accidents study, especially the methods to accidents study.
Level of evidence: Therapeutic level III. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
证据水平:治疗II I级。对证据水平的详尽描述见投稿须知。
All references to exposures in accordance with this practice must include a complete description of the test cycle used.
The SIP RFC 3261 provides a complete description of the various SIP headers, message elements, and the status codes available.
SIPRFC 3261提供了对各种SIPheaders,信息元素与可用状态码的完整描述。
The following is a complete description of the tournament structure, prizing , specific dates, and legal rules and regulations.
The above specification, examples and data provide a complete description of the manufacture and use of the composition of the invention.
Unfortunately, a complete description of troubleshooting using GRUB 2's command-line mode would be several times the length of this article.
This paper exhibited a complete description of the work process, device characteristics analysis, and specific implementation methods and so on.
While a complete description of how RPC works is outside the scope of this article, I feel it is important to mention the ways in which OpenLaszlo supports it.
See the Resources section for a link to the IBM Informix ODBC Driver Guide where you can get a complete description of all the odbc.ini configuration parameters.
参见参考资料section,获取IBMInformixODBCDriver指南的链接,可在其中获得所有 odbc.iniconfiguration参数的完整描述。
It not only offers different systems for a complete description of the singularity and can be used to analyze and measure the non-linear system cycle length.
It not only offers different systems for a complete description of the singularity and can be used to analyze and measure the non-linear system cycle length.