His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.
His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.
It wasn't yet a complete failure, and we still thought we could get things right.
If you think the goal was to solve the country's fiscal crisis, then obviously the Super Committee was a complete failure.
It can shrink when you need to be concise. One vivid sentence might do: "The favorite science project was a complete failure."
Most experts and sociologists agree, prohibition was a complete failure and contributed greatly to the rise of organized crime.
Sometimes we've experienced dates that, beforehand, seemed as though they'd be a success, only to find them a complete failure later.
It was a complete failure, they did not do any kind of damage, some were captured and we caught more, seven so far and may be more to come.
The effects can be an unresponsive server, a frozen screen, or a complete failure, often with cryptic messages such as "Totally out of heap space."
Whatever is going on inside the White House, from the outside it looks like moral collapse - a complete failure of purpose and loss of direction.
But I guess I must be unusual, because as we all know, AWK was a complete failure and vanished into obscurity since it didn't address anyone's real needs.
That goal was a complete failure, as the tracks themselves couldn't be more unrelated to one another, but this foul eventually turns into a treasure all its own.
And at the Number 2 reactor, officials have indicated a complete failure of the cooling system caused the water level to fall, leaving the fuel rods fully exposed.
Habermas claims that the Critique of instrumental reason which advocated by scholars of early Frankfurt school, such as Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, is a complete failure.
As described in this section, if you know the cause of an instance failure, a complete recovery may not be necessary.
"We are witnessing the slow death of commercial radio in this country due to a number of factors, [including] the complete failure to grasp the digital nettle," he said.
Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or an SCN timestamp being out of sync with the rest of the database.
The failure modes identified by such testing usually come as a complete shock to programmers because no logical person would ever conceive of them.
The MQTT client tracks any publications that were in flight in the event of a connection failure, and it attempts to complete the message delivery upon reconnection.
When you implement one of these RAID levels, you're protecting yourself against a very specific situation — a spontaneous complete (single or multiple) drive failure.
The fault-tolerant features of RAID are designed to protect you from the negative impacts of a spontaneous complete drive failure.
Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or a system change number (SCN) time stamp being out of sync with the rest of the database.
通常媒体故障是由于数据文件完全丢失或系统更改编号(System Change Number,SCN)时间戳与数据库的其余部分不同步造成的。
complete system failure — catastrophic events in a plane that was likely already plunging toward the ocean.
11点14分——最后一条讯息显示机舱失压和整个系统瘫痪——对于飞机来说这是一个灾难性的事故。 此时飞机很有可能正在坠向大海。
While not doomed to complete failure, expect a lot of missteps and communication problems during the lifecycle of this project.
Therefore, it can also be used to throw away any unsaved changes if you choose note to complete the session, for example, in case of a failure.
The effects of a disk failure can vary from a mild interruption to a complete server failure.
Another one;a failure to promptly identify the complete population of service water, valves affected by the systems corrosive environment.
If a complete site failure occurs at the primary site, data availability is maintained by having the remote standby database take over as the primary database.
Considering the magnitude of the displacement, the performance of the dam was quite remarkable. It did not fail as indicated by the definition of failure as a complete loss of the reservoir water.
A one-second delay can lead to complete failure, said Li afterward.