Constant monitoring, overscheduling and protecting children from their own problems can come at a cost. Overprotection may be contributing to the rising prevalence of anxiety disorders among children.
Our efforts over the years, developed independently all voltage a constant power delaying 30 (1.5 m) EEFL lamps, let EEFL lamp cost will increase.
A small town is served by many competing supermarkets, which have constant marginal cost.
Traditional deterministic economic Lot-Size models assume that the demand rate is a constant, that the order cost is inflexible during every order cycle.
Fixed cost a cost that does not vary with the volume of activity in the short term. (Also called Non-variable cost or Constant cost.)
The hardware and software of a low-cost constant temperature control system by using Sonix SN8P2622 MCU is reported.
The paper considers a constant modulus cost function with non-canonical constraint, and presents a new blind multiuser detector.
Women are like boats: they require constant maintenance and attention, and they Cost a Lot of Money. Men are like buses: another one will eventually come along.
Women are like boats: they require constant maintenance and attention, and they cost a lot of money.
Trainings to dealers and professionals should be a kind of persistent and constant behaviors, but it is impossible for enterprises to arrange special training lectures monthly considering cost factor.
Trainings to dealers and professionals should be a kind of persistent and constant behaviors, but it is impossible for enterprises to arrange special training lectures monthly considering cost factor.