The planned reactor would have a containment vessel, but it would be located in the same seismic area as the current Metsamor plant.
The reactor vessel is surrounded by a thick steel-and-concrete primary containment vessel, equipped with a water reservoir designed to suppress overheating of the vessel.
That means cooling water is not getting to the reactor core, causing a build up of steam inside the containment vessel.
The nuclear core in many newer reactors, including the ones in Japan, is enclosed by a steel containment vessel.
This primary containment vessel looks like an old-fashioned light bulb turned upside down and balanced on top of a doughnut.
Reactor operators decided to take drastic action to prevent further melting of the fuel and a possible breach of the containment vessel.
A release of pressure from the containment vessel of number 2 reactor appears to be planned.
At 6:14 a.m. on 15 March, the pressure-suppression pool beneath the containment vessel of unit 2 was rocked by a blast.
Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel.
Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel.
However, the fuel apparently dropped to the bottom of the containment vessel, preventing it from going into a full meltdown stage.
There was also a fire at No. 4, on the right and that there was a real danger that the reactor's containment vessel had been damaged.
There was also a fire at No. 4, on the right and that there was a real danger that the reactor's containment vessel had been damaged.