Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation.
One of the most typical and frustrating is trying to talk to a manager who leaves her phone on and lets it interrupt the conversation when it rings.
Other election Revelations include that on the night Hillary Clinton officially lost the Democratic nomination, she enjoyed a long and friendly phone conversation with McCain.
She also says that on one occasion, Regan hung up on her in the middle of a phone conversation.
The only time to use a speaker phone is when you need more than one person to be in on the conversation at your end.
It is disheartening to a speaker to feel like a conversation on the cell phone is more important than a face to face moment.
She spends her days darting in and out of a windowless office just off the main lobby, sometimes with a phone on each ear, holding one conversation in English and another in Mandarin.
Feelings of dread, but a sort of elation, filled Jenna while she carried on a conversation with the young man on the phone.
You respond to what you read in a letter from a friend, what you hear in a phone conversation, what you learn on the television evening news about what's going on in other parts of the world.
"You are not cognizant of what is going on around you" when having a phone conversation, Rodriguez said. "That is the danger."
According to Isaacson, Clinton consulted Jobs on how to handle the Monica Lewinsky scandal that erupted in 1998 during a "late-night phone conversation" between the two men.
Altman likened hearing half a phone conversation to the difference between walking on a smooth sidewalk to an uneven, rock-strewn path.
So if you ever feel guilty for spending ten minutes in idle conversation with a colleague, or for having a long chat on the phone with a friend, now you can chalk it up to brain exercise.
So if you ever feel guilty for spending ten minutes in idle conversation with a colleague, or for having a long chat on the phone with a friend, now you can chalk it up to brain exercise.