Being part of the background in a convincing (令人信服的) way is challenging, and being on a film or TV set is always fascinating.
A company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.
Friedman makes a convincing argument for this.
Hingis signalled her return to form with a convincing victory.
But there is no sign yet of a convincing pickup in tax revenues.
But the eu has repeatedly failed to put forward a convincing euro rescue.
Pavilions that offer a convincing conceptual environment are the most celebrated.
Wynn's a convincing salesman, but a decade ago even he couldn't have given away free seitan.
An effective sales force knows how to present its products and services in a convincing way.
If so, I will punish him most severely or will kill him unless he bring me a convincing excuse!
But somehow none of this seems to have translated into a convincing victory in the money primary.
For me, not being sure of whether I am making a convincing and fresh point is the biggest factor.
Another reason SAT tests are not a convincing -predictor of academic success is that they are biased against minorities.
He also makes a convincing case for charities to spend far more on advertising, perhaps even selling shares to pay for it.
We needed to extend the terrain mesh with lots of scattered trees to fill the pics with background trees in a convincing way.
This installment discusses how to estimate for emergent design, and how to make a convincing case for repaying technical debt.
Banks feel unable to tide companies over unless they have a convincing business plan-hard in such an unforgiving economic climate.
Even an empty city is not a convincing warning to those who remember that it took Shanghai many years to grow into the now booming Pudong.
One user composed a convincing rendition of Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven," as well as Hans Zimmer's "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme song.
Passers-by were often confused about what exactly was going on and even intervened, but it was a convincing and fun experience for the participants.
That straight talk resonated with voters in a highly pragmatic city, and it could indeed be a convincing message in the 2010 mid-term elections.
That is because, even though the opposition cannot yet offer a convincing vision, it can at least offer the country two things that are long overdue.
Movies can recreate history in a convincing way, leaving us with vivid memories of events that helped shape our lives. Even if they never really happened.
But no one has yet found a convincing mechanism to deal with outliers whose losses in a typical crisis are far too great for any reasonable safety buffer.
Launched in 2008, the creators Inn in Gothenberg, Sweden, offers free short-term accommodation for visiting "creators" - just apply with a convincing case.
Ronald McKinnon*, professor of international economics at Stanford University, recently made a convincing case for a moderate increase in US interest rates.
斯坦福大学(Stanford University)国际经济学教授罗纳德•麦金农(Ronald McKinnon)*最近就进行了令人信服的论证,称美国应当小幅加息。
Still, Kupchik's detailed observations of four public high schools with vastly different student bodies paint a convincing picture of good intentions gone awry.
Still, Kupchik's detailed observations of four public high schools with vastly different student bodies paint a convincing picture of good intentions gone awry.