RD: Arguably, there is no convincing reason to use SOPERA tools in a pure.net scenario.
The third reason for developing a new language is the least convincing: People do it because they can, and their language mirrors their unique view of the world and how we should write programs.
Another reason SAT tests are not a convincing -predictor of academic success is that they are biased against minorities.
The reason people use a small font is twofold: first, that they don’t know their material well enough; second, they think that more text is more convincing. Total bozosity.
Third reason: after 40 years, the French have ended up convincing themselves that May ’68 was a sort of Parisian exception, even though it was part of a worldwide effervescence.
If the villain is just a bad guy for no reason, then his character will fall flat and not be convincing.
The simple reason that Mr Li gives us above sounds impassioned and convincing, and ends up with a commercial ad, as is typical of his style.
"The main reason for the disagreement has been the lack of a convincing proof of the Gates' formula, described by Gates as being based on a" balls in the urn "model."
"The main reason for the disagreement has been the lack of a convincing proof of the Gates' formula, described by Gates as being based on a" balls in the urn "model."