If one does not reflect, can one be labelled a creative person?
A creative person is neither a utopianist nor a unthoughtful daredevil.
A creative person is neither a utopian ist nor a unthoughtful daredevil.
A creative person is neither a utopia nist nor a unthoughtful daredevil.
A creative person is neither a utopianist nor an unthoughtful daredevil.
In the same way, a creative person must feel deep if they are to communicate deeply.
In other words, if you just come to a critical point in your life: whether to be a creative person or one that repeats the predecessors's 'knowledge.
When a creative person he really wanted to do something, he can devote his best work instead you have to force him to do something they do not like something.
Starting a business means spending a lot of time on non creative stuff. Getting to know rules and regulations that you, as a creative person, might not have any interest in.
If you don't consider yourself to be a creative person, then you either need to get out of information architecture or look to others in your organization who can help you think creatively.
When I started wasting more and more time looking for lost items instead of being a brilliant creative person, I knew I had to do something.
Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being — a productive person, a winner.
If I'm described to you as a vivacious and creative person and you see me and I'm all kind of bouncing around and everything, you could then confirm this as, "Look how vivacious and creative he is."
Howard Gardner of Harvard once put together a composite picture of the extraordinarily creative person: She comes from a little place somewhat removed from the center of power and influence.
Creative and effective ways of saying "I'm sorry" can have a powerful effect on the person you are apologizing to.
Rest and relaxation isn't only vital to your health - it might also make you a more creative person.
If you love a highly creative person, you probably experience moments when it seems like they live in a completely different world than you.
You can be creative and express unconventional ideas in an interview if the nature of the job is creative, say, a designer or sales person.
The result is a geek’s dream: plenty for creative types to work on, but a bit baffling to the lay person.
"He's a really creative person and I love him 'cause he can change the world for us," said London Rainey.
If Zimplit were put in the hands of a creative, slightly knowledgeable person with a little more time than I had, he or she could create a sweet little masterpiece.
Conversely, if a person is at the very creative end of the line, then they may have difficulty bringing creative ideas to fruition.
I love music and I play guitar sing and play keyboard, I'm a very creative person.
"He saw her as a creative, interesting, quirky person," she says.
The creative original individualist, in any field of endeavor, represents a threat to the crystallized orthodox person.
His demeanor was modest and serene, like a person who had known much fulfillment during a long creative life.
The gale, is extremely hot people who has tested person also taking exercise, the wisdom using people dazzling , glistens as creative ability resembles a gold. This sentence.
The gale, is extremely hot people who has tested person also taking exercise, the wisdom using people dazzling , glistens as creative ability resembles a gold. This sentence.