I sincerely hope each of us can learn to cherish everything in such a cruel world.
We think we're civilized. In truth, it's a cruel world and people are ruthless. They act nice to your face, but underneath they're out to kill you.
The problem is that Fitch attempts to pen an ending that will please all, while seemingly ignoring the theme of survival in a cruel world that was prevalent in the rest of the novel.
The reason effort is becoming a less useful measurement for inputs isn’t because the world is cruel or the apocalypse is on its way, but because the amount of new opportunities has skyrocketed.
At its core, law is about living in a world where there are problems with no solutions, impossible dilemmas, cruel choices, and imperfect human beings who are just trying to do the best they can.
He lived in a world in which money was taking the place of God, and money trade, protected by law, was combined with cruel, ridiculous and dreadful things.
That's Christmas: God showing his love by sending his Son into a cold, cruel world to die for us.
In addition, if there is a road from 0 to ens, and it is very difficult from 0 to ens, there is no theory, then for the later world, it is too cruel.
Hope? Is that what I was supposed to feel when I saw my father decapitated by your henchmen? Hope is a cruel joke, played upon us by a harsh and uncaring world.
No wonder it will be a cruel comparison, but it is an universal routine in the world.
How can I guarantee that in the relentless rain of the World customs, my love will not be solidified into a cast iron, I will not translate into the kind-hearted cruel?
However, instead of reflecting themselves, the cruel and insatiable Japs regards China as a weak state and believes that they themselves could dominate the whole world.
The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.
The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.