In the case of a 1% rebate, the high-roller's expected loss rate then falls to 1.85%, which doesn't compare too unfavorably with current mainland bank deposit rates.
The money that people deposit in their current accounts is itself a loan to the bank, which USES it to provide credit to other households and companies.
Don't worry. You can withdraw your money at any time. But you won't receive the time deposit return of interest. What we can offer is a current one.
As your current credit is not enough, if you wish to charge to your room bill, you'll have to go to the cashier counter to take a print of your credit card again, or you may pay more deposit.
Direct current hot cathode plasma glow discharge chemical vapor deposition (DC-HCPCVD) is a new method to deposit high quality diamond films with high growth rate.
A simple model is presented for calculating the lower hybrid wave (LIIW) power deposit along the ray tracing and for obtaining the RF current profiles.
It's also is widely seen as a first step toward letting Banks compete on deposit rates, rather than the current practice in which the government sets it.
Theres no specialized stipulation for deposit contract in our countrys current contract law, and the deposit contract should be treated as a kind of nameless contract.
I think it is time to change current situation, so long as we heart deposit moustache clan, even every Hu whether descendant can become for a strength that can be ignored that Zu revitalizes Hu.
I'd like to open a time deposit account, I know the interest rate for a time deposit is higher than that of a current account.
Get a current All-In-One passbook or a debit card of the Bank and deposit certain amount of foreign currencies.
And if it's a time deposit, the interest rate is higher than the current one.
There are two main types of bank account in a bank: current accounts and deposit accounts.
Get a current All-In-One passbook or a debit card and deposit certain amount of foreign currencies.
Get a current All-In-One passbook or a debit card and deposit certain amount of foreign currencies.