Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising.
It went way up above the clouds, so far that a current of air struck it and carried it many, many miles away.
Natural ventilation is carried through the multistory building to the lower Spaces thankfully to its high creating a current of air.
Overwhelmed with grief, which made her suffocate as if her throat was stuck by a current of air bursting from her stomach, she felt it burning between the eyebrows.
The current five-year plan, which contains few other numerical targets, envisages a 10% reduction in concentrations of the worst air pollutants and a 20% increase in energy efficiency over the period.
A view of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., shows construction of the current National Air and Space Museum building underway in December 1972.
In the ENTR 'acte there was a current of chill air in Ellen's box, the door was opened, and Anatole walked in, bending and trying not to brush against any one.
To avoid shortcomings of conventional current transducers in insulation and saturation, the hybrid optical sensor head of a new type air core current transducer is presented.
Based on the boundary condition of jet flow in a niche and the interaction of jet with air current, a pressurization relation equation have been established.
In this paper, the optimization problem of glass tube air preheater is studied. A current computer code for optimal design of a tubular air preheater is developed. A case calculation is finished.
A new method was proposed according to the shortcomings of the current air flow sensor data emendation method.
There will be a relation between the air speed and the amount of twist of the wire necessary to hold the plate in normal presentation to the current.
This paper is aimed at the breakdown causing the air-blower vibration and gives a brief introduction on the current ways to check the troubles, It also illustrates the feature of each method.
Because the plastic greenhouse prevents the changes of air current, there is a limit scope climate effects in the plastic greenhouse.
The brushless direct current motor used in magnetic suspending flywheel features a structure of large air and small ratio of length to diameter.
Current conventional elastic elements are springs, rubber and air cushion, which are widely used in industrial enterprises meeting a lot of elastic energy storage needs.
The Head of WMO's Aeronautical Meteorological Division, Herbert Tuempel, says there is no reason to fear international air travel unless there is a change in the current radiological situation.
The operation of the engine at various values of mixture composition yields characteristic curves for the ion current and for the fluctuations in the ion current as a function of the air number.
Quality of the coatings is closely related to the spraying current, distance, and pressure of the atomizing air. Great quality of the coatings can not obtained under a bigger or lower parameter.
The brushless direct current motor (BDCM) used in attitude control and energy storage flywheel features a structure of large equivalent air-gap and large ratio of diameter to length.
It is to the author's opinion that under current legal system, Air Waybill is nothing but a document of evidence.
The energy-intensive character of the current reliance on air-conditioning suggests the need for a different approach to comfort and new designs to achieve it.
The air gap flux linkage is a linear function of stator current and mover displacement.
The huge current of air leads my cheek, very clear and matchless, become a kind of appearance.
The air current in the experiment is also a key point that affects the growth of the film.
The air current in the experiment is also a key point that affects the growth of the film.