There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, "I wonder what they WILL do next!"
A dead silence greeted this unusual flow of words from Mr. Van der Luyden.
There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, 'I wonder what they WILL do next! If they had any sense, they'd take the roof off.
After a few moments of dead silence, the entire room, crammed with more than three hundred people, erupted into applause and sympathetic laughter.
They Shared a few moments of awkward silence before Susan blurted: "I thought you were dead."
"My favorite is when you are at a meeting and you say something, and it's just dead silence, " Bair says.
If you select a particularly unusual font face for your Web page, expect confused calls, complaints, or dead silence as users never acknowledge they saw or understood your site at all.
There will be a minute's silence in the theatre at 5.26 pm (EST), the time that Jackson was pronounced dead on Thursday.
I am longing to have someone passing by and utter a soft whisper to break the dead silence.
The opening ceremony, finally under way, was marked by a minute's silence to honour the dead.
I have read a piece of news on Internet recently: a Japanese seek-and-rescue group would professionally clean, wrap, rank and mourn in silence for the dead whenever they found a body.
I have read a piece of news on Internet recently: a Japanese seek-and-rescue group would professionally clean, wrap, rank and mourn in silence for the dead whenever they found a body.