I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.
Five tons of soil would fill a small dump truck; if spread over an acre, it would make a layer slightly less than the thickness of a dime.
I didn't spend a dime on marketing or promotion.
Barry won't touch a dime of that spending, just as Bush wouldn't touch it.
You will have the opportunity to see me work, and it won't cost you a dime.
Like many small ventures in citizen broadcasting, Tame isn't making a dime.
In Silicon Valley, copyright and patent infringement suits are a dime a dozen.
Summits are higher and can be very windy, and the weather can change on a dime.
"Not worn out," cried the recruit, "Why, if I step on a dime I can feel if it's head or tails."
She could “spin on a dime” for love—and spin again when another enchanted man strayed close.
As Kuttner drives around the streets of Charlottesville, the car hugs corners and stops on a dime.
Their facilities are dirt-smeared cube farms without a dime spent on decor or common meeting areas
Experts are a dime a dozen. Experts who know how to communicate clearly and powerfully carry the day.
“I didn’t want them to make a dime out of me, ” he explained, “so I put my $5 a week in postal savings.”
This is how they can offer services in several languageswithout spending a dime on professional translators.
How many users are viewing the site and leaving without ever dropping a dime on your organization's products?
What was remarkable was how liberating it felt to be at a cathedral to consumerism like that and not spend a dime.
'When we look at just the kids' business, it hasn't made a dime in 15 years,' says English First President Philip Hult.
英孚总裁菲利普·霍特(Philip Hult)说,如果只看儿童业务,15年来没有赚过一分钱。
But more than one of the people I spoke with likened the Chinese economy to a large ship that can't turn on a dime.
These spots are all about the size of a dime and exactly where they are located varies a little bit for every woman.
When it comes to working with limited resources, my mentor, Dr. Werner says, “Before you spend a dime, invest the time.”
You might be able to build a very good business that meets all of your financial needs without raising a dime from anybody.
也许你尚未起步就需要资金; 也许你生意经营的非常好,完全能够自给自足,不需要向别人借一毛钱;
This means that you can try out App Engine, get things running, even deploy your apps publicly, all without spending a dime.
Because it cost a dime to make it pitch back and forth, we had to sit on the horse once a week and to pretend we were riding.
When he played for a couple of seasons with one of our young teams at that time nobody was able to bet a dime on his success.
And that's an important talent for the system to reward, since mere ideas are, for lack of a more fitting cliche9, a dime a dozen.
And that's an important talent for the system to reward, since mere ideas are, for lack of a more fitting cliche9, a dime a dozen.