She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness.
That would only add to a downward spiral of confidence and spending.
Sometimes the indecision can go round our mind in circles, creating a downward spiral of indecision.
Punishment can lead to a downward spiral of retaliation, with destructive outcomes for everybody involved.
Thus, you see the conflict that began a downward spiral of the Atlantean Golden Age, which existed from 30,000 BC to 17,500 BC.
Believing otherwise traps you in a vicious loop of stagnant health (at best) or a downward spiral of decaying health (at worst).
Once you get stuck in a downward spiral of self-doubt in which you obsess about what's holding you back from meeting a wedding-worthy guy, it's tough to dig your way out.
Malaria disproportionately affects poor people who cannot afford treatment or have limited access to health care, trapping families and communities in a downward spiral of poverty.
To be sure, with the economy gradually finding a bottom and the rate of decline in home prices slowing, the chances of a downward spiral of deflation and economic activity have diminished.
Since the 1980s, the area has undergone rapid deindustrialization as the steel mills closed and set in motion a downward spiral of economic decline resulting in a series of social problems .
The organizational equivalent of a starvation diet is a downward spiral that destroys a team's muscle and ability to execute.
This downward spiral may have been exacerbated by Europe's efforts to cut the value of Greek sovereign debt without triggering a payout on credit-default-swap contracts.
If something collapses in the Middle East and interest rates go up we have the potential to go on a downward spiral that we cannot get out of.
When you fall into that downward spiral of negative emotions-those based in fear-you are taking a back seat and allowing your life to happen on a reactive basis.
Prices are now on a downward spiral, says Ben Wood of CCS Insight, a research firm.
研究机构CCS Insight的本·伍德称,手机价格现正持续下滑。
Fears of job losses, coupled with falling wages, have locked spending in a downward spiral for the past four months.
Short sellers bet on share prices going down rather than up and it is said that the pressure from a large number of them can push a stock into an unstoppable downward spiral.
The newspaper industry is in a downward death spiral, having been severely impacted by new technologies, the ubiquity of Internet access, and a rise in citizen journalism.
Instead of being sucked downward into the spiral of desertification, they have kick-started a new, virtuous cycle of life.
Some Africa-watchers fear that parts of the continent may be getting trapped in a downward spiral: more babies mean more competition for resources, more instability—and more babies.
Reyes's downward spiral began, in a way, the moment he decided to leave his boyhood club, Sevilla, at the age of 20.
But so many people think we're morally in trouble, in a downward spiral and teens are out of control.
As a consequence, they wind up taking a series of steps, none of which is powerful enough to correct the downward spiral.
Depression is often caused by a combination of factors, so what is known as a "downward spiral" effect often occurs.
According to Everett Worthington, "depression is a downward spiral begun by loss of control and made worse by lack of energy and negative thinking".
Everett Worthington说:“抑郁就像一个向下旋转的漩涡,因为人们失去了控制,并且会由于缺乏精力和负面思维而变得更糟。”
The Iraq war stands apart as a watershed issue — a downward spiral that the public increasingly sees as a colossal waste of the nation's blood and treasure.
By contrast, the mainland market restricts gains and falls to a daily maximum of 10%, which means a downward correction will be a long spiral rather than a vertiginous drop.
By contrast, the mainland market restricts gains and falls to a daily maximum of 10%, which means a downward correction will be a long spiral rather than a vertiginous drop.