As the space is a drawing board, and I am a painter to paint what I saw into the frame.
A drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod; used to sight and map topographical details.
Draughtsmen make drawing on a drawing board using a pencil and at-square set square and scale.
Draughtsmen make drawing on a drawing board, using a pencil and at-square, set square and scale.
The sofa is our own design and the central table is made of massive ash assembled on a drawing board stand.
The use of materials, the shape, the intention of the drawing, quietly materialize, as thoughts on a drawing board.
A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details.
I knew I was longing for the colorful university life and are eager to one day be able to go into this with a drawing board by such a rich cultural heritage institutions.
Can design a drawing board for instance, give a child the chance of a sufficient project oneself, have a very good guiding to the child already action, still prevent its dauby on wall, floor graffito.
In many cases, it has been "back to the drawing board" and calling in the highly paid specialists to help fix a problem that could have been easily avoided with some up-front diligence.
Go from a normal laptop with screen and touchscreen board - to a large widescreen canvas for drawing, presentation or movie watching.
Change is difficult for our industry of late adopters, sent battered back to the drawing board in search of a different outcome - often unsuccessfully, by reshuffling the same inputs.
A firmer answer will have to await a new generation of powerful telescopes that are under construction or still on the drawing board.
It has sent some of the largest technology companies in the world back to the drawing board and proved that, given the opportunity, people will do far more with a phone than make calls and send texts.
Once Nature finds a good device it will have to go on using it because it is impossible to go back to the drawing board and design another one.
Then she marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune.
After a host of complaints about the agreement were posted, a New York judge admitted that there were "significant issues" with the deal, and sent it back to the drawing board.
Imagine that you were asked to design a tall tower building, and you came up with a few great designs - yet all were refused, and you had to go back to the drawing board only to keep on failing!
However, as an investor, you often encounter companies with a supposedly hot product on the drawing board but with little or no sales.
Be sure to address these questions when presenting a recommendation to upper management so that you don't get sent back to the drawing board to figure them out.
Across-the-board cuts in marginal tax rates (10 percent a year for three years) and business tax reductions were on the drawing boards, as were plans to reduce regulations.
Can IBM go back to the drawing board and re-architect a product so that it is once again the gold standard in corporate real-time collaboration?
Unlike OCI, OpenStack did not start with an empty drawing board and a set of principles, but with Rackspace's source code, which gave them a head start but some are reluctant joining the initiative.
So instead of lowering prices or cutting corners on materials we went back to the drawing board and decided that we should only create products that were a representation of what we believe.
AS a platform for computer application, geometric drawing board is simple and convenient with great functions.
AS a platform for computer application, geometric drawing board is simple and convenient with great functions.