Whether or not a dry spell is a mere speed bump or a brick wall is determined by your own perception of it.
They've had a good change in fortunes in the last two or three years, after a dry spell, and think it'll be a difficult tie.
EXAMPLE: Last year our business had a dry spell that lasted for several months, but luckily sales increased near the end of the year.
Two giant toads were married in a traditional Hindu ceremony in eastern India by villagers hoping to please the rain gods and end a dry spell.
印度一对巨型蟾蜍在一村庄村民的“撮合”下按照当地传统习俗举行了婚礼。 村民给他们穿上鲜红的礼服,然后把他们带到花轿中举行了结婚仪式。
Some men never recover from a dry spell, because they begin feeling pity for themselves and believe that it is somehow their own fault as to why they can not get any women at that time.
So for celibate rotifers that want to stay clean, a good long dry spell is just what the doctor ordered.
Nevertheless, analysts are cautious about calling a definite end to the industry's long dry spell.
Heavy rain in June, and particularly flooding is usually associated with thunderstorms after a warm dry spell.
Before the boom, the junior mining companies that include most of the Toronto listings had suffered a long dry spell.
This year a long dry spell lasted until August, but rain began to fall this month raising hopes that farmers will be able to plant winter crops such as wheat.
Water rationing during the dry spell put a damper on activities from dish-intensive dinner parties to car washes and bubble baths.
I can't think of a better way to end my four month steak dry spell.
Allow the first rain after a long dry spell to run off, thus cleaning the accumulations of dust and sediment.
Allow the first rain after a long dry spell to run off, thus cleaning the accumulations of dust and sediment.