Is occasionally eat seaweed afternoon, cookies, what kind of fruit, will it be a fair deal?
If the franchisor isn't giving you some territory to yourself, you're not getting a fair deal.
If you don't feel you are getting a fair deal, then it is not going to be conducive to a partnership.
We have to look at both sides of that equation and we have to make a fair deal that's agreeable to all of them.
They might thus reassure Palestinians that they will get a fair deal, and assuage Israeli fears of being confronted with excessive demands.
For a fair deal, we are writing to ask you to show your appreciation and support of our new offices with the "Opening Bonus" of 5% rebate on the order amount made with *** in Year 2012.
That the French have won a fair deal on the third condition may, however, help to fend off charges that the country is gaining too little in return for rejoining NATO’s integrated command.
For Chevron's supporters, the case amounts to an attempt at judicial extortion that throws doubt on whether multinational oil companies can ever get a fair deal in parts of Latin America today.
The explosions also caused a fair deal of area of effect damage, making them ideal for wiping out packs of jittery fallen or skeletons or whatever other kinds of beasts decided to bunch together.
Fair-skinned people who spend a great deal of time in the sun have the greatest risk of skin cancer.
Brown insisted: "Today we have laid the foundations for a Copenhagen deal that is ambitious, fair and effective."
The court came down on their side, and the ruling prompted the Fair Trade Commission to issue a "model contract" to try to improve the deal artists got from their management companies.
But a spirit of consensus and fair play eventually won, and we got a square deal for everyone, including the pharmaceutical industry.
It is fair to say that this is still the dominant attitude, which is why model-driven methods are encountering a great deal of resistance in this community.
For traditional software companies this might sound like a sour deal, but for smaller developers Apple seems to be offering a fair price to host, distribute and market the apps.
Have a fair command of American legal knowledge, especially knowing how to deal with cases on contract law, business law, intellectual property law and torts.
Children of INTP parents generally remember them respectfully and affectionately as loyal, fair, and tolerant parents, who care for them a great deal, although they don't often show it.
How unsound and insincere is he who says, I have determined to deal with thee in a fair way.
Shareholders got sparse information; they were told JPMorgan had judged that the deal was fair, but this opinion was not published and lawyers for the Bouygues would not supply a copy.
When people feel that a deal is fair, they are more likely to agree to it, less likely to renege on it, and more likely to come to the table in the future.
Have a fair command of American legal knowledge, especially knowing how to deal with cases on contract law, businessss s law, intellectual property law and torts.
It was a hard deal, but if they wanted peace, I thought it was fair to both sides.
Then I think of his poor feet, crammed into his tennis shoes, and I decide that maybe it's not fair to put such a big decision on the shoulders of such a little guy. So I sweeten the deal.
Markets where there are many participants and a great deal of activity, thus ensuring that securities can be sold rapidly at fair prices.
It mainly deal with rebuild medical Malpractice and to put forward a new theory is to use fair and to protect the weaker ones.
Let's hope that the yak herders receive a fair price and be happy with the marketing deal, and that no one will end up feeling exploited.
Let's hope that the yak herders receive a fair price and be happy with the marketing deal, and that no one will end up feeling exploited.