If we are to win the game, the pieces must be moved properly; a false move and everything could be lost.
Harry's scar was still prickling. He wanted to get through this interview with Griphook quickly, and at the same time was afraid of making a false move.
If the cursor finds no appropriate token to move to, it remains where it is, and a value of "false" is returned to indicate that the cursor didn't move.
While that was a false dawn, you won't be able to move for memorabilia between now and the wedding day.
Her family in China are poor and couldn't afford false legs, so she USES a basketball to help her move.
Because all it takes is one false move and you're toast. Which is why scientists are developing a stress test for astronauts on long missions.
2: the day Alex Left for college: Alex leaves for college, but gives her parents false information about her move-in day so they cant make a big production out of it.
2: the day Alex Left for college: Alex leaves for college, but gives her parents false information about her move-in day so they cant make a big production out of it.