It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.
Her new house in Beruwela is a far cry from the rubble left after the tsunami.
That is a far cry from the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate.
There is also so much to look at now, a far cry from the endless straight roads of Oklahoma.
It will still be a far cry from superior 3d gaming, but we're getting closer with each step.
That is a far cry from when Ms. Riley Tennant began working as a software-testing manager 20 years ago.
It is a far cry from the days when the most expensive item in your work bag was likely to be a book.
Any way you look at it, typing on a tablet is a far cry from typing on a desktop, laptop, or netbook.
Suddenly, Global Zero was able to recruit people who were a far cry from the old "ban the bomb" crowd.
Consider this: Today's multicore, multiprocessor systems are a far cry from yesterday's single-core behemoths.
These free-floating ideas seem a far cry from the 24, 576 meticulous measurements, but such is the human spirit.
Brazil and Mexico both have deficits of less than 2% of GDP, a far cry from the fiscal laxness of a few years ago.
The one in Zhaolin Park is now in its 35th season, and it is a far cry from the days of candles flickering in ice lanterns.
Aged: Matt LeBlanc, pictured last week, right, looks a far cry from the ladies' man Joey Tribbiani he played in Friends.
It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread.
[color=#000000]It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-life detective work.
There are only 70 groundfishing vessels left in Maine, less than half the number in the 1990s, and a far cry from decades past.
This is a far cry from Mr Mugabe's ferocious insistence on 51% of all mid-sized companies and all land going willy-nilly to blacks.
But that's a far cry from saying that some people are just genetically doomed to be lackluster and others are destined to be brilliant.
For now, STEAM can only produce images composed of just 3, 000 pixels, a far cry from the multi-million-pixel cameras used by consumers.
LL: Actually, Lihua, when you say that something is a far cry from something else, it means that those two things are totally different.
哦,我明白了,说一件事情是a far cryfrom另外一件事情,就是说二者大相径庭。 这么说,你也承认,看电影远远比不上去夏威夷好玩喽?
British Airways' cabin crew say they have offered to take pay cuts, a far cry from the inflation-busting rises demanded three decades ago.
The Borgesian library, which is "perfect, complete and whole" and composed of "all books", is not a far cry from reality in the digital age.
Android is now the second-largest application store, reports Distimo, with 19, 297 apps. It's still a far cry from Apple's 150,998 apps, though.
Apart from stunning architectural Spaces, there's nothing new, exciting, or controversial on display - a far cry from say, the 1939 world's fair.
This was a far cry from his trial last year on similar charges, which resulted in a single conviction (lying to the FBI) and a hung jury on 23 other counts.
This is a pretty basic set of widgets, and a far cry from the variety of widgets you get with commercial systems, but it's enough for demonstration purposes.
This is a pretty basic set of widgets, and a far cry from the variety of widgets you get with commercial systems, but it's enough for demonstration purposes.